About the Bug reports category

Report bugs so that we can squash them.
Before posting, please search the forum for duplicates and read the Troubleshooting Guide.


Troubleshooting Guide

Search before posting

Before opening a new bug report, please try searching the whole forum for duplicates. It really helps us.

Troubleshoot Instructions

In order for us to fix a bug, we need reliable and consistent steps that cause the bug every time.

If something looks wrong:

  1. Make sure you are using the latest Obsidian version and that your installer is up-to-date. The app and installer versions donā€™t need to match, but they shouldnā€™t be too far apart.
    The installer update needs to be done manually. Download and reinstall obsidian from the website.

  2. Make sure your files stored locally. If you are using a third-party sync system, like iCloud or OneDrive, you need make sure that they are configured so that they keep a complete local copy of your vault. For iClould on MacOS it means having ā€œOptimize Mac Storageā€ DISABLED.

If you are using a community theme or community plugins, make sure to update them as well:

  1. Check for theme updates: Settings > Appearance > Check for updates
  2. Check for plugin updates: Settings > Community plugins > Check for updates
  3. Restart Obsidian

If things still look wrong:

  • On desktop, open the sandbox vault (Open Help > Sandbox Vault, this can be accessed from the command palette or the lower left ribbon) and see if you can reproduce the issue.

Alternatively, in your own vault, or on mobile:

  • Switch to the default theme, toggle off any custom CSS snippets (Settings > Appearance > CSS snippets), and disable all plugins by entering Restricted mode (Settings > Community plugins > Restricted mode > "Turn on") and restart Obsidian.

If the issue is gone, you need to figure out which of the extensions caused it. There is a community plugin that can help with it: https://obsidian.md/plugins?id=obsidian-divide-and-conquer
When you find the source of the problem, you can report it on the pluginā€™s/themeā€™s GitHub page:

  • For plugins: Settings > Community plugins Click the pluginā€™s name, then the GitHub link and open an issue.
  • For themes: Settings > Appearance > Manage Click on your theme, then the GitHub link and open an issue.

Open a new bug report following the template

If the issue still happens open a new thread here and follow the template. Thank you!

Bug report status

When we (the moderators) reproduce a bug, we add the repro tag to it. If we couldnā€™t reproduce it but think it might be a bug and are waiting for repro steps/confirmation from other users, we add the tag tracked.