Almost all of my notes disappeared!

First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to use my Obsidian vault on my personal Windows 11 laptop. The vault was somewhat large (over 1,500 notes). I have Obsidian Sync and do not use any other syncing service for my vault. The vault is saved in the C:\Users[username]\Documents\Obsidian\ directory, and until today, I’d had no problems. Now, almost all of my notes have vanished; I think the only ones left are the five most recent daily notes, five new notes I made yesterday, and, weirdly, all the notes associated with the Readwise plugin. I installed the Readwise plugin on December 31, and December 31 is the last daily note that remains in my vault, but everything was fine until today.

I do manual backups of my vault every once in a while, so I can recover almost everything, but my most recent backup was on December 27, and I did a lot (!) of work between then and now – I probably took 100 new notes on many hours of research. I know I should back up more often. Is there any way I can get my lost data back?

Things I have tried

I have checked whether Obsidian was updated recently (it was not) and looked in my OneDrive and Dropbox accounts to make sure I didn’t accidentally save my vault there and cause a syncing conflict. I did not. I’m not sure what else to try, but I would very much like to get my work back. Please excuse me if someone has already asked about this problem in the forum; I checked and didn’t find anyone with the same details (most but not all files gone overnight). Thank you.

First, make a backup of what you have.

Second, you need to triple check that your vault is not on Onedrive or any other service, and if it is you need to make sure that they are configured to keep the files on your computer. 99% of “my files have disappeared” threads are because of this.

As a last resort, you can attempt the obsidian sync bulk restore (settings->sync). You can use shift-click to select a range.

How about checking the Windows 11 recycle bin? I recently deleted a lot of folders while working without noticing at that moment. Found them back in the bin.