Obsidian is not sending me the you Forgot your Pw email

First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.

What I’m trying to do

I had accidentally deleted the obsidian app I’m on iOS and when I re downloaded and tried to sign in my first vault I couldn’t as I forgot the password

Things I have tried

I searched on the forums to see what I should do as I went to the obsidian.md and pressed forgot password but the email won’t come in I have tried everything checking emails spam trash anything but it just didn’t show and I’m frustrated because I had put a lot of my writing Oc world building into that vault and I haven’t made a second copy please help me

Do you use Obsidian Sync or Obsidian Publish? If you do, email [email protected] and hopefully they can help you. If you don’t, there’s no need to sign in.

If you setup your vault in iCloud, there will be a copy stored on their servers (and maybe in the folder iCloud Drive > Obsidian on your device).

If you didn’t set it up in iCloud, and you weren’t using Obsidian Sync or any other sync system, and you made no other copies of your vault, it was deleted when you removed the app. In that case,

  • If you have device backups in iCloud you can restore it that way, but it will require restoring the whole device.
  • If you don’t have device backups in iCloud, and haven’t made local ones on your computer, the files can’t be recovered.