Obsidian not opening

First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.

What I’m trying to do

I have a vault in my iCloud Drive. I can open it with my iPhone, but not with my iMac.

I can open all other vaults (4 of them) on my computer, but not this specific one, which is my “basic” or “original” vault.

The message I receive is: “An error occurred while loading Obsidian. Error: File system operation time out”.

When I loaded it on my iPhone yesterday, it asked for time to upload or download some files.

How should I proceed?

Things I have tried

a. tried to upload all documents to the finder
b. read the help but for no avail

Could you open the vault on Mac in the past but now you can’t? Or have you never been able to open it on Mac?

Can you see the vault and its contents in Finder? If so, do you see cloud icons next to any of the files? Those mean the files are in the cloud and need to be downloaded before they can be used. If that’s the case, you may want to turn off the setting that allows iCloud to do that (but keep in mind it’ll affect more than just your vault). (Alas, there is no such setting on iOS.)

Tks. Perfect. On the spot.

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