Images in Mermaid Diagram

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What I’m trying to do

Following this question I’ve tried

A[(<img src='' width='40', height='40' />)]
``` and it works, but if I try to insert local image with relative path it doesn't work
```mermaid graph TD;
A[(<img src='page.jpg' width='40', height='40' />)]

*page.jpg is located next to MD file.
My question is it a bug in Mermaid or in Obsidian?

mermaid, images problem

Any luck with this one?
Keen to insert images as well. No luck so far :slightly_frowning_face:

I think it requires Mermaid update to ~1.8 [Recurrent] Upgrade mermaid.js to the latest version x.y.z - #33 by WhiteNoise