Mermaid - how to add a picture to a graph node

I would like to add a photo to the graph in Mermaid.

  1. Photo available on the internet.
  2. A photo located on the computer:
    2.1. In Obsidian in the notes folder where the graph is
    2.2 In the Obsidian in the media folder
    2.3. In a folder other than Obsidian.

The 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 syntax posted below does not work.

What am I doing wrong?

  1. I found the syntax
graph TD;
A[(<img src='' width='40', height='40' />)]

But it doesn’t always work. I don’t know why yet. Is there any other way?

2.1. In Obsidian in the notes folder where the graph is

graph TD;
A[<img src='OK.jpg' width='40' height='40' />]

2.2 In the Obsidian in the media folder

graph TD;
A[<img src='file:///C:/Users/ABC/Desktop/Obsidian/Box_01/Multi_Media/OK.jpg' width='40' height='40' />];

2.3. in a folder other than Obsidian.

graph TD;
A[<img src='file:///C:/Users/ABC/Desktop/Test/OK.jpg' width='40' height='40' />];

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