Problem after I updated to version 1.8.4

First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.

What I’m trying to do

I updated to version 1.8.4. Obsidian can find the files, but I cannot view them.

Things I have tried

I have shut my MacBook Air down and restarted.
I removed Obsidian from Aopplications and downloaded a fresh version.
I have moved all my previous Obsidian Vault files and folders to the new Vault
I have downloaded the previous community plugins into the new Vault

Does it happen in restricted mode (no community plugins enabled), using the default theme, and no CSS snippets active?

Thanks for your reply. I have turned off all Community Plugins except dataview and it is working as it should. Will now turn Community Plugins on one by one until I find the offending one.

Turning ON plugins one-by-one should be fine looking for the culprit, but if you back track turning them OFF, remember to close-open the vault or restart Obsidian each time as not all plugins are fully unloaded if you only turn them OFF.

Good luck! :muscle: