Formating does not working properly

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What I’m trying to do

certain markdown formatting does not change the text; for instance, **testtest** will not be bold, but *test* will be italic;

I’m on the mac version

Things I have tried

I edited your post to put ` backticks around your formatting so we can read the code properly.

Please share with us some examples of actual Markdown where you are seeing problems.

Put the Markdown in between triple backticks like this:

Your markdown here
Show us your **problems** and we *will see* if we can help.
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Are you using a custom font? Not all fonts include a bold (or italic) typeface. Does bold work in the sandbox vault?

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Go to Settings–>Appearance–>Text font and set your font to Courier New. You should now distinguish bold text. You can also use light mode by opening command palette and running command Use light mode. In light mode bold text is easier to recognize.

this works! Thanks a lot for the help!

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