Numbered Notes

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What I’m trying to do

I am using Metdata menu and Templater. I have Dataview as well
i have multiple Templates that some income metadata.
I want all this note that i will create i want them to auto create a note number (1,2 3,…500) in the meta data.

I searched but i haven’t found something similiar

Any ideas??

in your new note template:

id: <% tp.user.idnext(tp) %>

in idnext.js in your templater scripts directory:

async function id_next(tp) {
    const options = await app.plugins.plugins.dataview.api.query('TABLE id FROM -"template" WHERE typeof(id) = "number" SORT id desc LIMIT 1')
    let result = options.value.values[0][1]+1
    return result
module.exports = id_next;
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Thank you for that, but clearly i am doing something wrong here

While i add this on the Metadata menu

you got the first part right!

this method doesn’t use metadata menu (though I don’t think it conflicts with it). It does require templater and dataview.

What you need is to set up the templater plugin’s script folder:

and then in there is where you make that idnext.js file.
That way the templater code you put in the frontmatter will run it when it executes.

I double checked and the code wasn’t quite right. The script should instead look like this:

async function idnext(tp) {
    const options = await app.plugins.plugins.dataview.api.query('TABLE id FROM -"template" WHERE typeof(id) = "number" SORT id desc LIMIT 1')
        var result = options.value.values[0][1]+1
    }catch(err){var result = 1}
    return result
module.exports = idnext;

that way if it finds no previous ids, it assigns 1.

It’s probably not too hard to make this code a bit more generic and work with a given property name, but for now it should be easy enough to tweak for your purposes.

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I appreciate the help,

Clearly i am doing something wrong here :sweat_smile:

I will try again later with a clear mind!

for now i will take a more simple approach!

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