Type lucid icons in Obsidian

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What I’m trying to do

Paste an icon from Lucide.dev

Increase the icons on my Obsidian file.

Things I have tried

I tried pasting various code that I see for an icon. None of them show up.

Above in the screenshot are the choices that I see.

Obsidian supports inline SVG. You can copy-n-paste the SVG code and insert into your note.

CleanShot-Obsidian-boxes - Playground - Obsidian v1.5.11-2024-03-20-11.39.19

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Have you tried using the Iconize plugin?

I am trying the iconize as suggested by rab. I am not a compter person. So, I want to add packages for daily life and health but I do not see how to do that.

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