View Formatting/Highlight in Write-Mode?

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What I’m trying to do

I want to get the following things:

  • Be able to hightlight my notes. Not just text but also LaTex equations
  • Be able to format my text however I want, make it bold, italic and underline at the same time if possible.

Things I have tried

I googled plugins but ‘Highlightr’ breaks LaTex equations, it looks ok in read-only mode but not when I I’m writing my notes…
Formatting tools such as Editing Toolbar provide UI for text formatting but I still cannot underline and have a text be bold/italic at the same time.

Both problems are solved when I switch to Read-Mode but I don’t want to switch all the time… I don’t know if someone has managed to integrate Read-Mode aspects better into Write-Mode…

Underline isn’t a markdown thing iirc :innocent: (at the very least not an Obsidian flavor markdown thing)

You can use HTML tags though such as <u>...</u> but it’s not something you can mix and match with markdown syntax.
If you use HTML to format something in a note, you’ll need to format it completely relying on HTML :
E.g.: if you want to have a word in italic, bold and underline, you’ll need to use something like:

<i><b><u>A word</u></b></i>


<em><b><u>Another word</u></b></em>

I think this is what most/at least some plugins providing “rich text” like features rely on, behind the scene: HTML (which they conveniently manage/insert for you)

Here are some more info about HTML in Obsidian :blush: :