How do I remove whitespaces around the images - Cards/Minimal theme

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What I’m trying to do

This is my dataview query. It works well. But with cssclasses property as cards, it shows images with whitespaces (left and right) and only 4 images in a row.

	status as Status,
	"![|60](" + cover + ")" as Cover,
	link(, title) as Title,
	authors as Author
FROM #book 
WHERE !contains(file.path, "Templates")
SORT status DESC, file.ctime ASC

Here is the screenshot.

Things I have tried

I checked all settings but I am confused. I also checked videos.

Please help me. Please.

Here is the screenshot:

You’ll need to share the CSS you’re using if you want someone to help debug it. Good luck!

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Hi, thank you for the reply.

I’m using the minimal theme. It has by default “cards” feature.

I just added in the property section: cssclasses - cards. I saw videos of people using this feature so I tried to adjust the appearance to “cards” view. But I’m getting the whitespaces on left and right of the image.

Here is the original code of the theme:

Please help.


Can you please help?

No, sorry, I don’t know enough about Obsidian’s or Minimal’s CSS. I just knew that someone who does would need the info that wasn’t in the original post.

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Cawlin, yes, that’s right.

To be able to check and possibly help, someone would need the folder and/or tag structure that you/someone has set up, the notes and images the query is pulling from, etc.

That’s not a quick “let’s check this in my vault”. It requires a lot of setup on the side of anyone trying to help.

Hi, thank you for the reply.

The images are being pulled by book search plugin. They are cover of book pages.

There is no tag structure as such, as I just installed Obsidian few days ago and the book search, dataview plugin. I am beginner in Obsidian.

Example -

Pls help.