Can't access ny file anymore

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What I’m trying to do

Things I have tried

this file

i use this file on my tablet only. when i open it i couldn’t not acces it anymore .

Hi there, that’s really not enough information for anyone to help you.

It looks like something to do with Excalidraw. So make sure your community plugins are all updated. Especially Excalidraw.

And if you can, please run the command “Show debug info” and paste that information here.

The error I encounter occurs when I try to open my Excalidraw file.

this is the error message.

I tried updating my Excalidraw plugin, but without success. I also tried opening the file on another device, but unfortunately, that didn’t work either.

==:warning: Switch to EXCALIDRAW VIEW in the MORE OPTIONS menu of this document. :warning:== You can decompress Drawing data with the command palette: ‘Decompress current Excalidraw file’. For more info check in plugin settings under ‘Saving’

I tried following this step, but I couldn’t find the “Decompress Current Excalidraw File” functionality anywhere, even after extensive online searches.

I don’t use Excalidraw, but is there a chance you have an older version you can roll back to? Using the File Recovery core plugin, or your own backups?

Are you using Obsidian Sync, or any other cloud syncing tool? If you are using Obsidian Sync, it might also help you roll back to another version.

I searched the error and found a similar discussion you should probably read: BUG: Excalidraw drawing loading error, "Obsidian unexpectedly closed during a save operation" plugins · Issue #1715 · zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin · GitHub

This typically happens in three cases. On a mobile device you swipe away Obsidian with exvalidraw open ( and save is interrupted). Your drawing is open on multiple devices and Obsidian Sync partially overwrites the file. If Excalidraw is not able to restore then you can restore from sync history. Some other plugins make changes to the Excalidraw file.