First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.
What I’m trying to do
I have one H2 Header and inside one H3 header. I have decided that H3 header should be separate topic. I removed indentation and applied H2 Header to it. After doing that, entire text inside the new header converts into block.
Things I have tried
I have tried moving things out and again copy same thing in my file but my text is not coming back to orginal.
Can you post a screenshot?
Indentation is not part of regular <p> paragraphs in markdown. It produces code blocks.
I tried copying from another note where I pasted the same content. But now blocks are gone but bullets are heading are not working. # are showing as it is and not converting to heading. same goes to Bullets.
For Bullets I am typing - and space and for heading I am using # format.
I can reproduce your issue:
However you can write nearly anything inside list items including code blocs. In my screenshot first list has code block inside first list element. In the second list four spaces denote that the same list item continues and then sub list is correctly rendered. Another four spaces would trigger code blocks so you need to use only four spaces to denote sub list items.
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