Trigger Slurp to slurp from url in body of note upon creation automatically

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What I’m trying to do

Hello, I’m trying to trigger the plugin Slurp to Slurp a webpage from a URL in the notes body or YAML frontmatter into a note upon the notes creation.

I’m using Simple RSS to get the URL of a news article into a note upon syncing news feeds. I would like to put a Templater Command in the Simple RSS template that would Slurp the linked news article into the note upon creation.

Or if someone knows a simpler way to get news articles into Obsidian automatically that would be GREAT as well.

Things I have tried

I’ve read a TON of documentation and i’m not seeing what I need to do to do this. I think I need to find the command that is triggered in the console and I’ve looked at the stuff that is logged into there from the debugger function in Slurp but I confess I don’t know what im looking for.

I don’t have much JavaScript or coding skills. I’ve read a lot of manuels and documentation now but i’m having trouble putting it all together. Any help would be great. Thanks to all of you who read and or help.