Open Notes on screen

First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.

What I’m trying to do

I was able to have several open notes on screen, either in writing or reading modes. Then I exported one to PDF and printed it. Suddenly there’s no way to get two or more open notes on screen. When choosing to open a second note, it does open, but replacing the first one. How can I get back to the former? Thanks.

Things I have tried

I have gone through the HELP files, but I cannot interpret the solution if it’s there.

There’s no cause and effect relationship to be found here.
You can either

  • open a file in a new tab or
  • pin a tab so opening a new file would happen in a new tab.

Can you describe exactly what you mean by “choosing to open a note” and “replacing the first one”?

When you say opening a note:

  • You mean in Obsidian, or as a PDF? I assume Obsidian.
  • Do you mean in a new tab? Or a separate window?
  • What command or menu or button are you using to open the note? Please try to describe exactly what you are doing.

When you say replacing the first one:

  • Same question, do you mean a tab, or a separate window?

And then other details:

  • Perhaps show your “Show debug info”. Run that command in Obsidian and paste the results here.
  • Or tell us the basic details like Obsidian version, installer version, and your OS.

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