I can't one of my obsidian .md file anywhere in my PC

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What I’m trying to do

I was trying to keep on with my notes writing and unfortunately I can’t seem to find my “.md” file anywhere for further editing. In case I accidentally deleted it from my PC let’s say permanently, is there any way I could retrieve it

Things I have tried

I have tried looking for it in my entire pc in all folders and even used the “.md” extension while searching for it but still can’t find it. I have even tried looking for it in obsidian by searching for it but nothing.

Hopefully you can recover the note from here:

at the top left corner when searching for it. I can’t seem to find it completely since it doesn’t show up

What is “it” ?

I can’t seem to find one of my .md files from obsidian anywhere in my entire pc. Now I tried the whole, settings > Plug in Options > File recovery > Snapshots > View … and the top left corner when I search for the file by name which is JS 1.md it doesn’t pop up at all.

The rest of your notes are still OK?

Do you store your vault in a cloud syncing tool, like iCloud, OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc?

Maybe it disappeared because of a sync conflict. And if yes, then maybe the cloud tool has a backup revision you can find.

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