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I know metadata will accept links and tags. My MOC are based on subcategories of tags and links. I want to continue using them
What I’m trying to do
Looking up links and metadata but finding no references.
I am trying to format my notes with YAML and Dataview. I know that links are possible in the Projects plugin. The examples that I see are link: [[xyz]] or tag: #xyz. My MOCs are formatted with subcategories, such as [[ABC/xyz]], [[ABC/lmn]], [[ABC/qrs]]. My tags are similar with subtitles. Ideally, I would be able to write [[[ABC/*]]. That would allow me to capture all of the ABC notes in Dataview.
I am asking, is there a wild card character that I can use in YAML links and tags?
Is there any other way?
Things I have tried
I have tried doing searches, but they are so messy. Dataview seems like a better option than messy one-item searches that never bring up the information that I need. I have over 1,000 notes. They are long and full of unrelated links—not what I was told to do. I have no trouble writing so I am writing out my thoughts. I am not making snippets of information. I use Obsidian for thinking while I write. But all the information is there in my writing so I need to pull it out for specific purposes.
If I could use the links and tags I already have or add them vaguely using the Linter plug-in, I would feel much better about using Obsidian. Now, I think my notes are lost in a whirlpool of too many links and tags. They are sorted into categories, but they are hard to use for searches. I need to be able to search for the major first part of the links and tags.