Help with automation for obsidian life OS vault

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What I’m trying to do

I am trying to link my task template with my project template work flow. I have a button using metabind plugin on my project template that creates a task template. I am trying to auto link the task to the project from one click of the button. Is it possible to on the button press to add to the frontmatter to a template note. I have in my task template frontmatter field called related notes.

Plugins installed
metadata menu
remotely save

First attempt:

label: Create Task
icon: ""
hidden: false
class: menuButton
tooltip: Create a task for the project
id: taskButton
style: default
  - type: templaterCreateNote
    templateFile: "Task"
    folderPath: "6. Task ✅"
    fileName: ""
    openNote: true
    openIfAlreadyExists: false
  - type: appendFrontmatter
    file: 6. Task ✅/<% tp.new_file_name %>.md
    key: Relate_Project
    value: [[<% tp.file.title %>]]
  - type: appendFrontmatter
    file: <% tp.file.title %>.md
    key: Task
    value: [[6. Task ✅/<% tp.new_file_name %>.md]]

#### Second Attempt
label: Create Task
icon: ""
hidden: false
class: menuButton
tooltip: Create a task for the project
id: taskButton
style: default
  - type: templaterCreateNote
    templateFile: "Task"
    folderPath: "6. Task ✅"
    fileName: ""
    openNote: true
    openIfAlreadyExists: false
  - type: appendFrontmatter
    file: 6. Task ✅/<% tp.new_file_name %>.md
    key: Relate_Project
    value: [[<% tp.file.title %>]]
  - type: appendFrontmatter
    file: <% tp.file.title %>.md
    key: Task
    value: [[6. Task ✅/<% tp.new_file_name %>.md]]
  - type: removeFrontmatter
    file: 6. Task ✅/<% tp.new_file_name %>.md
    key: tags
    value: "template"
  - type: removeFrontmatter
    file: 6. Task ✅/<% tp.new_file_name %>.md
    key: tags
    value: "default"

#### Third Attempt
##### JS File
module.exports = async (tp) => {
  const frontmatter = tp.frontmatter;
  if (frontmatter && frontmatter.tags) {
    const tags = Array.isArray(frontmatter.tags) ? frontmatter.tags : [frontmatter.tags];
    const filteredTags = tags.filter(tag => tag !== 'template' && tag !== 'default');
    await tp.file.writeFrontmatter({ ...frontmatter, tags: filteredTags });

##### Markdown files
label: Create Task
tooltip: Create a task for this project
id: create-task-button
style: default
  - type: templater-create-note
    template: "Task"
    folder: "6. Task ✅"
    open: true
    name: ""
  - type: command
    command: templater:run-user-script
      script_name: "remove_tags.js"
      file: "{{last-created-file}}"

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### Things I have tried
I have used chatgpt as I am still struggling to really understand how obsidian uses JavaScript. I have read the documentation for meta-bind.

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