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Hi I am new to Obsidian and I would like to ask if someone could explain how do I export my entries from StandardNotes into Obsidian ? Is there any easy way to do ?
I tired the Jimmy importer but I am super noob and I did not understand anything. When I downloaded this app or text it just showed random text in a folder. So I have no clue what I am doing. I need to get in touch with StandardNotes because there is a total black out about anything that says how to export from StandardNotes. Every other app there is information But not in this case.
In the desktop or web application, select the Open Preferences icon in the lower left corner. Once the Preferences menu is open, select Backups on the left hand side, then go to Data Backups, choose your preferred format (encrypted or decrypted), and press Download Backup
You should get a .zip file that needs to be referenced at Jimmy, like in the example command: