Helo - Can't change custom font on obsidian android

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What I’m trying to do

I have desperately tried to change the fonts onthe Obsidian Android app). On my PC, it works, but whatever I try, it doesn’t work on the mobile version (I use Obsidian Sync). I want to change the font to Bookerly. The WOFF2 files are in .obsidian/fonts. Here are the methods I tried unsuccessfully.

Things I have tried

  1. WOFF2 converted to base64-encoded string and embed it in fonts.css ): Adding a custom font to Android/iOS
  2. This plugin : GitHub - pourmand1376/obsidian-custom-font: A plugin to set custom font for obsidian
  3. Selecting the custom font in Settings->Appearance->Font-> Selecting Bookerly (it indicates that Obsidian recognizes the font, but it doesn’t work.

It does have an effect though, but instead of switching to the custom font it switches to another default system font. Note that I am on an Onyx Boox Page and that I changed the default sstem font to Bookerly. All other apps use this default font, except obsidian! Why?