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What I’m trying to do
I am trying to install multiple plugins on the device, since I have multiple devices that are synced with selfhosted obsidian-livesync.
Copy the plugin folders (containing the main.js, manifest.js, data.json, style.css files, if applicable) into your .obsidian/plugins folder while Obsidian is not running.
If you want to activate (some of) them as well, write the names of the plugins (the corresponding plugin names in their respective manifest.json files) in the community-plugins.json file.
I often do this when I set up a plugin with API or all kinds of other settings on one machine and want the plugin to work on another.
goto Obsidians Setting > Appearance > css snippets and click on the folder icon ( desktop ) to open your snippets folder in your file explorer. Go up a directory.
In there, make a zip of your plug-ins folder. Copy this zip in the same directory on your other devices and unzip it’s content.
This would copy all the plugins used in a vault which is not quite what the OP probably wants. Generally adding the code in a suitable sub directory of the plugins directory will add the plugins but they will probably not be active unless the plugins.json file is edited as above.
Well it’s very easy to refresh and then trash plug-ins from within Obsidian, which offers a superior gui to manage plug-ins than to inspect, edit move or what else in a file explorer.
I just simplified the process
So if I am correct, the plugins folder contains the files of all the installed plugins.
main.js - has the plugin script
data.json - has the settings for the plugins
manifest.js & styles.css - are the metadata files
community-plugins.json - has the list of plugins that are enabled.
The .obsidian folder has a lot of data that I wished existed inside the vault as well.
I found this “Customization sync” beta feature in the obsidian-livesync plugin quite useful, I tried it on my android and I was able to sync the plugins and install them without having to manually copy the .obsidian folder.
I tried it on both android and ios, however it is a little complex to understand as it has no documentation on it. I played around a little bit and it was able to auto sync the obsidian settings across devices.
Thank you! @xr4nchy of all the solutions I tried, using the “Self-hosted LiveSync” plugin worked for me! The steps are a bit complicated, but with some careful reading and paying close attention, it’s actually pretty simple to do.
If anyone encounters an error like this like the one below, you’ll have to sign up for a basic $5 plan with first, and then retry this step of the setup.