First, search the help docs and this forum. Maybe your question has been answered! The debugging steps can help, too. Still stuck? Delete this line and proceed.
What I’m trying to do
I have been using obsidian for the almost half a year now and have found it really useful for my learning. However, I noticed today when reviewing some old notes that some of them are dleeted at random… This is a big issue for me. Could I please have some help on figuring out what could have caused it?
Things I have tried
I use Sync and I have three devices: 2 macbooks and one android phone
My macs are on Sonoma but I don’t think notes are under icloud (I have them under a subdirectory under home, ~/obsidian/mynotes)
Humm, I did a little bit more digging and noticed that a lot of the files deleted were .png files deleted by my android phone… Is there an known issue with pictures getting deleted when syncing with android?
For clarification, when you say deleted, do you mean that they do not exist anymore or that the content of the deleted markdown notes get lost but the file still exists?
After some more investigation, I think the issue I raised is just images getting deleted by my android phone automatically… So would like to focus this thread on that.
And I can confirm that those deleted images are gone and not recoverable even when I tried to do it under the settings for Sync.
I emailed Obsidian support about this and it seems like a known situation in which google photos might grab files in obsidian vault. Troubleshoot Obsidian Sync - Obsidian Help
I’ve added the special file and will monitor moving forward