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What I’m trying to do
I am trying to have a different template for my daily note for every day of the week e.g. I want one template that is generated on Mondays, another that is generated on Tuesdays and so on.
Things I have tried
Just a few things:
- I am confident that templater is working correctly and has all the things enabled it needs.
- The idea is to have a main note that serves as the template for the daily notes that compies in from a different template depending on the day of the week.
I was trying the following code (essentially generated by ChatGPT because I have no idea how JS works but I my a few adjustments):
const futureDate = tp.file.title; // Der Titel der Datei im Format DD-MM-YYYY
const [dayPart, monthPart, yearPart] = futureDate.split(“-”); // Zerlege den Titel in Tag, Monat, Jahr
const dateObject = new Date(${yearPart}-${monthPart}-${dayPart}
); // Erstelle ein Date-Objekt im Format YYYY-MM-DD
// Array der Wochentage, um den Tag-Index zu übersetzen
const weekdays = [“sunday”, “monday”, “tuesday”, “wednesday”, “thursday”, “friday”, “saturday”];
const day = weekdays[dateObject.getDay()]; // Ermittelt den Wochentag und wandelt ihn in Kleinbuchstaben um
// Debug output: Check what path is generated
tR += Generated Template Path: [[${day}]]\n
; // Gib den generierten Pfad aus
// Save the template path for later use
const templatePath = "[[${day}]]"
but it only include Generated Template Path: [[${day}]]\n
in the file. What is really confusing to me is that when I use the code block
everything works fine i.e. it includes the contents of the file into my daily note. However when I use the code
const futureDate = tp.file.title; // Der Titel der Datei im Format DD-MM-YYYY
const [dayPart, monthPart, yearPart] = futureDate.split(“-”); // Zerlege den Titel in Tag, Monat, Jahr
const dateObject = new Date(${yearPart}-${monthPart}-${dayPart}
); // Erstelle ein Date-Objekt im Format YYYY-MM-DD
// Array der Wochentage, um den Tag-Index zu übersetzen
const weekdays = [“sunday”, “monday”, “tuesday”, “wednesday”, “thursday”, “friday”, “saturday”];
const day = weekdays[dateObject.getDay()]; // Ermittelt den Wochentag und wandelt ihn in Kleinbuchstaben um
// Debug output: Check what path is generated
tR += Generated Template Path: [[${day}]]\n
; // Gib den generierten Pfad aus
// Save the template path for later use
const templatePath = "[[${day}]]"
It seems like the command tp.file.include() doesn’t work anymore and I get and error that I need to link an existing Obsidain file, even tough I hard coded the correct link into the command. For me the relly confusing part is that tp.file.include(“[[monday]]”) seems to work by itself but not after I have some other code.