Mermaid Diagrams - Why isn't simple math rendering?

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What I’m trying to do

I am trying to get exponents and parentheses to render in Obsidian Mermaid diagram, below.

graph TD
    A[Problem] --> B{Is it a data organization problem?}
    B -->|Yes| C{Is data order important?}
    B -->|No| D{Does it involve finding specific items?}
    C -->|Yes| E["<b>Sorting Algorithms</b>
				    <u>Comparison Based</u>
				    Bubble Sort <math><mi>= O(n^2)</mi></math>
				    Selection Sort = O()
				    Insertion Sort = O()
				    Merge Sort = O() #DivideAndConquer
				    Quick Sort = O() #DivideAndConquer
				    Heap Sort = O()

Things I have tried

Search terms: Latex, Katex, Mermaid

To get the parentheses to render, I wrap the text in quotation marks. That’s working.

To get the exponents to render, well, I don’t know what to do. But it appears from the following discussion that something should work? I haven’t yet figured out what works, though. I’ve tried $, $$ and html tags like and . Nothing I’ve tried has worked yet.

Discussion: Adding LaTeX math support via Katex · Issue #2776 · mermaid-js/mermaid · GitHub

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I solved the problem by installing the Mehrmaid plugin, updated my codeblocks to reference mehrmaid instead of mermaid, and used single $ within double quote pairs to get Markdown/Latex to render correctly. Very pleased with this plugin! Thanks to the maker.

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That is an excellent plugin! Wish i had known about it sooner.

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