Option to separate folders from notes in file explorer

I would like an option to have one panel for folders/subfolders and a separate panel that displays the notes in the currently selected panel. See e.g. Notable’s separation of tags/subtags and the files that fall under the currently selected (sub)tag.


This would be very nice. In OneNote, the Notebooks/Section Groups/Sections are separate from the Pages.


Seconded. I’m wanting to move my entire system over from Joplin, not just the Zettelkasten and the separate panes are the one feature I’m missing the most


This would be most welcome. I used to use Joplin and OneNote too, and Obsidian’s file explorer put me off for a while. Still having troubles navigating. Hopefully we get solution some day.

You could use the plugin I created for splitting the folders and files to separate views. Just remember to turn on Evernote View from the plugin settings.

You can see how it works within this short video:


I tried that, but missed the Evernote View -option (or it was not yet implemented)! This is perfect! One thing could make it even better, though. If the whole folder name line would work same way as the click to the plus-minus-sign. So if I press folder name, it will reveal files in that folder (or optionally files in subfolders, too, as it is already implemented) AND it will also reveal subfolders in the upper folder pane. Clicking the name of the folder again will do nothing in the lower pane, but will close the subfolders in the upper pane. This would be cool since now if I want to see files of the folder in the lower pane and subfolders in the upper, it will require two clicks (and plus sign is smaller target that the whole row :))

This plugin is excellent as is, though, and makes file explorer significantly better than the original. Have a good coffee!

Need this basic feature.

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Thank you for sharing. I am unable to see the first option after entering the settings page. Do you know how to get around this?

Most probably you are looking at the wrong settings. It is enabled by default and I have never changed the option honestly speaking. Just go to settings page, navigate to the File Tree Alternative Plugin settings and the first option is “Evernote View”.

I have another feature request, auto close all nested child folders when close folder.

Would like to see such a feature added.

I have 2000 files and I have to wait a few seconds each time I switch folders.

Any plan?

This is “basic” note app feature.

As a daily note-taker, I wholeheartedly support implementing a three-pane view in Obsidian. This isn’t just about mimicking other apps - it’s about adopting what has proven to be the most effective way to navigate and interact with a large collection of notes.

The three-pane layout (folders → note list with previews → editor) has become ubiquitous in apps like Apple Notes, Ulysses, iA Writer, and Evernote because it strikes the perfect balance between information density and visual clarity. When writing and researching, being able to see your folder structure, scan note previews, AND edit your current note simultaneously is invaluable. The preview pane in particular is crucial - it lets you quickly find the right note without constant opening and closing of files.

What’s especially compelling about the proposed implementation is how it would enhance Obsidian’s existing strengths. Imagine combining this intuitive navigation with Obsidian’s powerful linking and graph features. You could browse your folder structure, scan note previews to find exactly what you need, and then seamlessly create connections between notes - all without losing context or breaking your workflow.

This isn’t just a nice-to-have feature - it’s a fundamental improvement to the way we interact with our knowledge bases. For those of us managing hundreds or thousands of notes, the ability to quickly navigate, preview, and edit while maintaining a clear view of our vault’s structure would be transformative. The need is clear, the precedent exists, and the impact would be significant. Let’s make this happen!

Apple Notes:

Although MAKE.MD, as it is right now, is a bit of a mess and I haven’t gone down that rabbit hole yet, it offers a real great implementation of this:

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Re: potential concern about visual clutter.

A simple toggle icon could be implemented to quickly switch between note preview display & a compact display mode that’s currently in place.

See File Preview implementation:
