Breadcrumb / path display / list view for "How'd I get here"

Here is an illustration from PersonalBrain=TheBrain:

The issue I have had with it: To access older items I had to scroll horizontally for each item. Instead, it should unfold as standard vertical scrollable list over the main area.

Related features and feature requests:

In Obsidian, it should be coupled with pop-up page preview on hover over each item. And with Display customizable representation strings/icons instead of filename-only or at least with Use H1 or YAML property "title" instead of or in addition to filename as display name

For implementation:
It is possible for plugins to display info in status bar as can be seen in some screenshots in GitHub - ivan-lednev/obsidian-day-planner: An Obsidian plugin for day planning with a clean UI and a simple task format
Perhaps it is possible to put there also clickable buttons with file titles.

Combined with graph view:



The OP will be easily solved by Recent Files List Plugin . Now it shows each file just once to satisfy request Compress history for Navigate Back but it would be possible to show full path by suppressing this deduplication.
Ask the plugin author @tgrosinger if you want to add option showing unreduced trail. Then highlighting all occurences of the file under cursor might be desirable (at least within the history list).


YES! I was literally having the same thought the other day. Would love to see something like that on a web application.

By no means it is a full solution for the easy navigation issue, but may be useful workaround:

How to add easy global navigation to your notes (for non-power-users) - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum

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Great concept

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