Breadcrumb / path display / list view for "How'd I get here"

A visual and clickable representation (a list in the sidebar probably) of what trail I followed to get to the current file I’m browsing would be quite useful. (At least for me.)


Just a suggestion: I would edit your post or its title to be a bit more descriptive just for search ability. In particular I would use the terms breadcrumb and/or path!


Why yes, of course. Thanks for the reminder!


Yes this would be immensiely helpful, I’ve been discussing this with @nickmilo on the Discord server. A history of previously browsed notes would be helpful since it’s possible to arrive at the end of a node from a different route e.g.
[[Index]] > [[Programming]] > [[Data Structures]] > [[Arrays]]
[[Index]] > [[Programming]] > [[Languages]] > [[Arrays]]

As per his suggestion, an alternative approach would be treating the backlinks as an array would be great for “This way, it’s not dependent on paths (which are fragile) and it’s more dependent on relational proximity” e.g.
links: [[Arrays]], [[Data Structures]], [[Languages]]


Hi @vitasa I should clarify that our conversation was about manually typing paths and links to the top of the note.

I think @BENWF’s breadcrumb history suggestion would be a great plug-in addition.


I love this idea, and to some extent thing of it as a stack trace. After following a trail of notes, would be great to have a little box of the links, or show them at the bottom of the window, so that I can quickly jump back 1, 2, or 3 levels.


I am a bit confused.

Is this same as file tree ? or is it something like path we trace in the graph view ?

It’s a bit like you checked your browser history, but only in the context of the file you’re currently browsing.


What about plugin that allowed you to browse your notes with an interface somewhat like Andy’s Notes?


Already done! Doesn’t even require a plug-in. See @death_au’s Andy Mode:

A search of the forum/Discord for “andy mode” returns a few themes with it built-in.


I’d rather have a real list view in the sidebar. While I really appreciate “Andy Mode”, to me it appears it’s rather for consumption than for production.


A breadcrumb to figure out where we are within a long document.

A history pane to see how we ended up at a particular node. Why not a graph representation of this as well since there is already graph visualisation capabilities, which would show the complete exploration with number of times a node has been revisited and the amount of time spent at each node.


Long ago I used to use the app TheBrain and it had the best visual representational of links between nodes compared to any mind map apps since you could link any node to anything just like Obsidian does for notes. I think the graph view if it’s modified to work as a way to open the notes themselves could give a lot of the breadcrumb and closely connected notes at one go.

I imagine the graph view open in one pane on the left and I cmd+click on a node in the graph to open the note in a right side pane. The graph view then keeps the connected notes highlighted so I can anytime refer to them. There could be a simple ± button to select how many levels deep to highlight and default to 1 but for certain cases looking at more connections could be helpful. If I then open another connected note in another right pane split vertically, the graph view could highlight that note in a different colour and all its neighbours in the same colour.


Hmm. It looks like file history to me.

This will be a good plugin I think.

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Not within a document, but to the document.

For within a document, what you’re probably looking for, is either an auto-highlighted table of content, or better, a Minimap. which editors like Sublime Text and Atom have. (Might make a great feature request, too.)

There are two feature requests for this now:


Nice idea ! hope add Breadcrumb. more faster switch page.

If I remeber it correctly, PersonalBrain (I have used it years ago), has something like that. On the bottom of the page you could quickly go to the most recent and relevant pages

+1 – I came to the forum specifically looking for this feature.

To be clear, I am thinking about much more of a “rolling history” of exact nodes recently visited, rather than path of the current file in the file system.

Ideally, it should be another section below in the “backlinks” - and likewise, when clicked, go to that document and highlight the previously taken link


Totally Useful if made