View Structure of Nested Tags on Graph

Use case or problem

Nested Tags creates a structure. Now each of element is shown as a separate tag. It’s not help to discover connections based on them.



Proposed solution

I would like to have a view where a root of nested tag is connected with his childrens and each child with another one.


Additionally it would be fantastic to be able to fold/unfild each level of tags and show connection to selected level.


I would like to see all notes connected to a root nested tag:

#TAGROOT → connected to all notes where it is used

I would like to see all notes connected to a first level of nested tag:


Current workaround (optional)


Related feature requests (optional)



This sounds helpful but I am not sure I am understanding completely, so excuse my possible misunderstanding in this following workaround suggestion.

Could you try setting embedded search queries within a note set to a side pane?

If so, but you are requesting this for ease of use and improved interface, I understand and support that. Just thought I would mention this in case it is at all of benefit. This has me back interested in nested tags.



Embedded searches are great. Whan I know to find it’s easy to use them. To discover new information or relations Graph is a better tool . I am using Embeded Search , you can see it there:

According to the case described in the mentioned scenario, it is hard to find which my coworker is the best - which get the biggest number of positive feedback.

Now I’ll get a messy graph with a mix of tags: questions :question: , negative feedback :exclamation:, tasks :gear:, observations :eye:, CR from the meetings :white_check_mark: and finally positive feedback :+1: (because each note can have any of them inside a content)

When I’ll have an option to show only:


I’ll be able to see clusters around some of them and I’ll be able to easily see and discover who is a winner.


I think this is similar to my need. Possible an easier to consume example.

Currently, nested tags in graph are treated as a single tag. For example, there is no apparent difference between:

#Europe/Italy/Rome and #EuropeItalyRome

It would be helpful if the graph was hierarchical and branched at each sub-tag. This would allow a core tag in the graph of #Europe (with any general files on Europe connected). From there, the #Europe/Italy tag would connect to #Europe but contain files that are tagged #Europe/Italy. From #Europe/Italy the #Europe/Italy/Rome tag would be connected with its related files.


Check out Link Tags to Subtags in Graph

It is different than this feature request but does take care of this:



Hi everyone,
first, thank you for this amazing Application!

Use case or problem

Subtags and Tags currently have no Connection in the Graph-View but are completly separate.

Because I don’t want a Connection between the Main-Tag and the SubTag lost, this makes me tag my Pages like this at the moment:

#books #books/fiction #books/fiction/fantasy

But this on the other hand leads to a lot of clutter in the Graph-View,

Proposed solution

It would be nice if Sub-Tags would connect to there parents, so that there is a strong connection between Sub-Tag and parent, but Notes only need to link to their specific Sub-Tag. This would de-clutter my Graph a lot and lead to a nice Tag-Tree.


Good idea.

Makes sense to me. I see what you mean. But, maybe a toggle would be a good compromise.



A Tag Tree Toggle! That is a wonderful idea!
Even I was a little disappointed when subtags arent “sub-tags” per say, but they function as distinct tags, but with similar names.


Here’s something I’ve been thinking upon.

Once nested tags are graphically interpreted, I was wondering what would become of the relationship between the tags #America/History and #Canada/History?

I would like to hear everybody’s thoughts.


I really like where you are going with this.

Maybe there could be a toggle switch in the Display section of graph settings to create a dotted connection between them.

Or, perhaps with either an automatic toggle or by creating a new tag called */History (or something legal), this new shared subtag node would be connected to all tags that had the History subtag.

I am having trouble finding it, but I had a similar feature or plugin idea using the same concept but for headings. In my idea, all notes that had a matching heading would be linked to a note with that heading name or a new note if one did not exist. Of course this would not be automatic and would have to be invoked.



I think it would be more usefull if they were seperate at first, because them beeing linked would lead to a lot of overlap in a Tag-Tree and would make it hard to follow the branches from Main-Tag to Lowest-Level-Tag. But it would be nice if there was a Option to filter the Graph, to show only Notes tagged with */History/* for Example.


+1 to that!

Linking tags to nested tags on the graph seems super important! I want to start using a tag system, but I can’t imagine not having nested tags, and I don’t want nested tabs messing up my graph view by not being linked…


Just chipping in, I too would find it highly useful if nested tags connected in a meaningful way.

At the very least I think that connections should be made between direct descendants so that the tag #philosophy would connect to #philosophy/socrates and to #philosophy/democrates but the two nested tags would not connect to each other. That way you would get a tree structure which feels very natural when navigating.


:construction: A very messy workaround, but a workaround

tl;dr: I created a note that links to the base tag and all its nested tags, pulling them together on the graph. And hacked together an automated way to pull nested tags given a base one.

:woman_shrugging: I originally, for the laughs, created a note named after the base tag, even with the #, #geo (subtags of which I use in locations for Map View, like #geo/beach). Having the note, I just went ahead and mentioned every tag nested under it in that note. Manually. And once I opened the graph, it seemed to work perfectly! I put that note into its own folder and assigned it a color so that it would blend in with the other tags.

:thinking: E-e-e-except for one small problem. When trying to extend that practice to other tags I learned that this was only working fine because the base tag was not in use. So when I created a note that only had the base tag, #geo itself, I suddenly had two dots on the graph named #geo — one for the tag and one for the note. That was confusing. And thanks to my color hack I couldn’t even tell them apart :grin: So I assigned this note a different color of course.

:warning: …and I later discovered that Obsidian on Android cannot create a file with # in the name. So I had to remove it from the note name anyway. It worked on Windows though.

:bulb: But on second thought — it actually did the job! It pulled the nested tags together! Sure, there’s one unnecessary link and the base tag got hard to spot, but the structure is mostly there. I just had to mention the base tag in the “pulling note” (as I’ve gotten to call them) too, in order to not have it dangling elsewhere.


Now, of course I had to automate this. Gathering tags by hand is tedious. I solved some of this using Dataview plugin. I mention the base tag I want to pull the subtags of, place this snippet on the page and, well, follow what it says:

Automation snippet to maintain the list (copy&paste its results from preview window into the file):

let currentPage =
let pageTags = currentPage.file.etags;
let query = pageTags.join(" or ");
let queryTags = (query === "")
    ? []
    : dv.pages(query).file.etags.array();
  [ Set(queryTags)].join(" ")
  • Sadly, this only really handles single-level tag nesting, because it gets all of the descendants of mentioned tags, not just direct children! This is JavaScript though, so it’s got to be fixable. I haven’t (yet?) gone that deep into the tags.
  • It already does not match ancestors: if you mention a nested tag, it’s not going to return the base tag of it in the result.
  • Still a bit of manual action whenever a new tag is introduced. But the snippet does make initial setup easier, and makes future tagging sprees manageable.
  • It handles multiple base tags just fine. That goes beyond the workaround, but the snippet does not care.

Better than nothing overall. I hope this helps someone out there.

Still waiting for a native solution though. Pretty please? :slightly_smiling_face:


I have the same idea.


Hello, any update on this ? I don’t know if I should change the way I use tags or if a solution will come out eventually.


Any updates?
A toggle that could reveal relations between nested tags and root tags would be perfect.


I’m voting for this one!


Any updates with this feature?