You might find this discussion interesting:
Here’s something I’ve been thinking upon.
Once nested tags are graphically interpreted, I was wondering what would become of the relationship between the tags #America/History and #Canada/History?
I would like to hear everybody’s thoughts.
I really like where you are going with this.
Maybe there could be a toggle switch in the Display section of graph settings to create a dotted connection between them.
Or, perhaps with either an automatic toggle or by creating a new tag called */History (or something legal), this new shared subtag node would be connected to all tags that had the History subtag.
I am having trouble finding it, but I had a similar feature or plugin idea using the same concept but for headings. In my idea, all no…
I think it would be more usefull if they were seperate at first, because them beeing linked would lead to a lot of overlap in a Tag-Tree and would make it hard to follow the branches from Main-Tag to Lowest-Level-Tag. But it would be nice if there was a Option to filter the Graph, to show only Notes tagged with */History/* for Example.
I had meant to create a feature request to implement something like this but totally forgot about it until I saw your post. I am happy to see that perhaps someone else might beat me to it.
I will link to it here if I create one and you haven’t already. Good luck.