This tree grows fast because I create a productivity system.
For example, one of my main nested tree:
#F2F → a container for notes connected with my coworkers
#F2F/NAME/ → coworker name
#F2F/NAME/ → questions or issues to discuss with someone
#F2F/NAME/-> obeservation about someone
#F2F/NAME/-> task assigned for someone (without a date to be done)
#F2F/NAME//Y/21 → task assigned for someone, to be done during a year the 21
#F2F/NAME//M/21/01 → task assigned for someone, , to be done during a month 01 in the 21 year
#F2F/NAME//W/21/05 → task assigned for someone, to be done during a week 05 in the 21 year
#F2F/NAME//D/21/01/13 → task assigned for someone, to be done during in 13 day od 01 month in the 21 year
#F2F/NAME/ → positive feedback
#F2F/NAME/ → summary of a meeting with a coworker
#F2F/NAME/ → corrective feedback
I am working and talking with ~100 people and this structure grow exponentially:D
I am using embedded search queries and it works fine.
I do not often use this tree but for sanity, it would be better folded.
When I add to a note this:
/- (.*)#F2F/NAME/
I get a list of all undone thinks connected with someone
A embeded query like this:
``` query
/- #(F2F/(.))/(.)/((W/21/03))/
show me all issues for a Week 03 in 21 year for all my coworkers.
Queries are generated automatically by templete enginge and Calendar plugin.
Nested tags are really powerful