Summarize Daily Notes Using Dataview

If you use front matter in your daily notes, via a template or otherwise, you can use data view to create a note that summarized all your daily notes:

This how the daily note looks like with the front matter key:value pairs:

This how the summary file will be generated:

This is the Dataview code used:

table Summary, Reading, Mood, Diet, Exercise
from "Daily Notes"
where Reading !=null

I hope you find it useful.


Also, you can use the inline Key:: Value as well if you like something to be a part of the note body and not be hidden in YAML. And that works with tags! I used to have a #watched tag which I’d write in my daily note bullets where I watched an interesting YouTube video or movie. Now I do it like this,

- Some note about something
- #watched:: [[Inception (2009)]] with [[John Doe]]
- More notes about other things

And the query in my Watch Log note,

TABLE watched as Watched
FROM #watched
SORT file.ctime ASC

Caveats: The Key:: value part needs to either be on it’s own line OR start as the first part of a sentence. Something like

I #watched:: Inception doesn’t work but

Woke up late today. #watched:: Inception works.


These are great tips! They take Dataview to a new level by organically integrating it right into the body of the note itself instead of the front matter.

Many thanks

I also want to generate a daily note summery.
I don’t use yaml and inline-metadata so far, but I do have different headings in my daily note template, like

## Gratitude
## what happend today?
## ...

Now I’m wondering, if I could use dataview, to just summerize all the content, I wrote underneath the “what happend today?”-heading.
Is that possible, and if yes, how could I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance,

Can you embed a link to the “what happened today” heading? That would not need Dataview at all.

Yes, in my summary, I could embed links to the “what happened today” headings in my daily notes.
but that would mean, if I have 10 daily notes, I would need to manually generate a link to each of the 10 daily note headings…
But I’d like the summary to be automatically generated and that new daily notes dynamically be integrated in the summary.
=> to get such a dynamical summary, I assumed that dataview could be the right tool…

Unfortunately, I’m not so deep in dataview so far. Is it possible to use headings in dataview queries? And if yes, could you give me an example? I didn’t find anything in the doc, or maybe I didn’t understand the doc correctly.

Thanks in advance,

I see what you mean. Unfortunately Dataview is not the right tool here since it focuses only on metadata and not text or location in the file. You would be able to use dataview to generate your list of filenames for your daily notes, but unfortunately its support for embed links is not great.

A possible alternative might be using Obsidian’s built-in search, which you can stick in a note via a query block. You could use that to search for the heading you want to show.

There also may be community plugins that can help with this, since aggregating from daily notes is something lots pf people want to do.

Good luck!

Thanks for the tip!!! :slight_smile:

I used that query:

block:("what happend today")  

Unfortunately, the result just shows the files in which the heading “what happend today” appears, and not the content underneath these headings. How could I achieve a list of the contents underneath the “what happend today” headings?

You can extract the full “What happened today?” section via regex.

For best performance you’ll want to change the Dataview query dv.pages() to limit it to your daily notes only. If you use the tag “#daily”, that would be dv.pages('#daily')

const header = '## What happened today\\?'

// You can update this to filter as you like - filtering for just your daily notes would be good
const pages = dv.pages()

// This regex will return text from the Summary header, until it reaches
// the next header, a horizontal line, or the end of the file
const regex = new RegExp(`\n${header}\r?\n(.*?)(\n#+ |\n---|$)`, 's')

for (const page of pages) {
    const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(page.file.path)
    // Read the file contents
    const contents = await
    // Extract the summary via regex
    const summary = contents.match(regex)
    if (summary) {
        // Output the header and summary
        dv.header(2, file.basename)

Hi Alan,
thanks a lot for your help und the example-code!!! :slight_smile:

I did the following:
I generated a new note, called “diary”, there I pasted your code, in order to get a summarization of all “what happend today?”-headers in my daily notes, and get the following result:


Can you help me with that Evaluation Error?

Thanks in advance,

1 Like

Can you paste the code that you used?

If you used my code without any changes, I can confirm that code is working. Just check that you pasted with Ctrl+Shift+V so that you don’t paste with any formatting. Or you could paste in source mode rather than Live Preview.

You’re right, I didn’t copy your code with “Strg+Shift+V”. I copied your code with “Strg+V” and did some formating on my own, so maybe here is the failure…

But hmmm… after copying your code with “Strg + Shift + V”, I see a strange behaviour here:

The rows from 2-76 are not really visible…

That’s because there are no notes matching your search. You need to make sure the header variable matches what your actual headers are.

In your original post you have the headers as ## what happend today? with ‘happened’ misspelled. If it’s spelled that way in your actual notes, you’ll need to change my code on the first line where it says:

const header = '## What happened today\\?'

If you want to include the question mark, make sure to put it with a double backslash before it like this: today\\?.


Woohoooooooooooooooooo!!! :DDD

Thanks Alan!!! I didn’t know, that I must write the complete header in the query, not just a part of it.
… I’m german, so in my daily notes there’s no “what happened today?” but “was ist heute passiert?” instead…

But no, everything works perfectly fine. Thanks for your help! :wink:


Haha, one last question:
The result of the dataviewjs query is not sorted yet. Is ist possible to sort the result chronologically, corresponding to the filenames of my daily notes, which have the format YYYY-MM-DD?
The sorting hierarchy should be from new to old (up to down of the note).

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Dataview can sort for you:

const pages = dv.pages().sort(x =>, 'desc')
1 Like

Wow, very, very nice, thanks! :slight_smile:

Okay, and now, the very last question (promise! :slight_smile: ):

As you can see, I don’t have entries underneath the “what happened today”-header in every daily note. For example on 2022-08-28 I don’t have an entry. Is it possible to sort these daily notes out of the query, which don’t have an entry underneath the “what happened today”-header?

Change the end to be:

if (summary && summary[1].trim()) {

instead of

if (summary) {

Can I recommend that you have a look at a beginners Javascript course. There’s an amazing German instructor who I love, and this is where I learned Javascript:

It’s very easy, and it will open up a world of possibilities for you in Obsidian and so many other applications.


Hey Alan,
thank you so much for your help, and also for that valuable recommendation! I consider that severly! :slight_smile:

Topic: The file.lists by example (PART I/2)

  • The file.lists by example - Chapter 3: using DQL to gather list items or task items under the specific heading (and filter by a field) (and sum up a field) (and display each DVIF)
  • How to gather list items or task items under the specific heading? (DQL90 , DVJS90)
  • How to gather list items or task items under the specific heading
    • Each of the following DQLs requires a specific note.
    • How to filter by a field? (DQL10, DQL20, DQL30)
    • How to sum up a field? (DQL63, DQL65)
    • How to display each DVIF in items as a table
      • case_FLST_HLSS : DQL10
      • case_FLST_HLSSS : DQL20
      • case_FLST_HLDSS : DQL30
      • case_FLST_HLDDD : DQL61, DQL63, DQL65

Q1: How to gather list items or task items under the specific heading and display each DVIF in items as a table?

Answers: DQL10, DQL20, or DQL30

Q2: How to gather root list items or root task items under the specific heading?

Answers: DQL61, DQL63, or DQL65

Q3: How to distinguish list items from task items from the file.lists data?


  • How to distinguish list items from task items from the file.lists data?
    • a list item: !L.task
    • a task item: L.task
    • a root list item: !L.parent AND !L.task
    • a root task item: !L.parent AND L.task
    • L : each element of file.lists of each page
    • No one can distinguish a list item from a task item from the value of L.text where L is an element of file.lists .



Q1: How to use the file.lists data to design a Markdown file as a table in the database, where each record consists of multiple columns?



Another Example: A1_11
  • There are at least four methods to do that by using the file.lists data.
Code Name Data type Cases Headings(list items) Headings(task items) Remark
DQL10 file.lists case_FLST_HLSS milestones main tasks
DQL20 file.lists case_FLST_HLSSS some events some tasks
DQL30 file.lists case_FLST_HLDSS other events other tasks
DQL61 file.lists case_FLST_HLDDD what happened today what happened today
DQL63 file.lists case_FLST_HLDDD what happened today what happened today
DQL65 file.lists case_FLST_HLDDD what happened today what happened today


  • dataview: v0.5.41

DQL10_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter: case_FLST_HLSS


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 0.To require the note in the following form: case_FLST_HLSS
1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather list items where the heading contains “milestones”
3.To gather task items where the heading contains “main tasks”
4.To filter by F_duration_days
5.To filter by L.tags and L.outlinks
6.To sort by in ascending order
7.To display each DVIF in items as a table [without the desired structure]
Require the files with the case_FLST_HLSS structure


Require the files with the case_FLST_HLSS structure

case_FLST_HLSS: use file.lists where L.text contains one field separator like " "
FLST: Use file.lists
H: a header
L : an element of file.lists
S: field separators

  • filename : dic_20040301 contains the heading “milestones”
Date: 2004-03-01

Areas:: #research

#### input
##### milestones
- 2004-03-01 add this feature_A #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- 2004-03-02 add this feature_B #Test/d02 [[Note J]] 
- 2004-03-03 add this feature_C [[Note K]]
- 2004-03-04 add this feature_D #Test/d04
- 2004-03-05 add this feature_E  #Test/d05 [[Note K]] 
- 2004-03-06 add this feature_F  #Test/d06
- 2004-73-07 add this feature_G #Test/d07
- 2004-03-08 add this feature_H [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- 2004-03-09 add this feature_I 
- 2004-03-10 add this feature_J
- It is finished!


  • filename : dic_20040401 contains the heading “main tasks”
Date: 2004-04-01

Areas:: #mocap

## input
### main tasks
- [ ] 2004-04-01 add this feature_a #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-02 add this feature_b #Test/d02  [[Note P]]
- [ ] 2004-04-03 add this feature_c  [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-04 add this feature_d #Test/d04
- [x] 2004-04-05 add this feature_e  #Test/d05 [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-06 add this feature_f  #Test/d06
- [ ] 2004-74-07 add this feature_g #Test/d07
- [ ] 2004-04-08 add this feature_h [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-09 add this feature_i 
- [ ] 2004-04-10 add this feature_j 
- [ ] It is finished!


Code DQL10_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter: case_FLST_HLSS

title: DQL10_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter =>0.Require the files with the `case_FLST_HLSS` structure
collapse: close
      choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] " + "",  "- " + "") AS "m_or_t",
      F_duration_days AS "dur_days",    
      F_text_without_outlinks AS "Event",
      F_sDate_of_L AS "L_sDate",
      F_fsDate_of_L AS "L_fsDate",
      L.tags AS "tags",
      L.outlinks AS "outlinks"

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type
WHERE (contains(F_subpath, "milestones") AND F_type = "header")
      OR (contains(F_subpath, "main tasks") AND F_type = "header")
WHERE regexmatch("^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+", L.text)

FLATTEN split(L.text, " ")[0] AS F_sDate_of_L
FLATTEN regexreplace(L.text, "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} ", "") AS F_text_without_date
FLATTEN regexreplace(F_text_without_date, "\s+#.+$", "") AS F_text_without_tags
FLATTEN regexreplace(F_text_without_tags, "(\s+\[\[.+\]\].*$)", "") AS F_text_without_outlinks
WHERE F_sDate_of_L != null
WHERE date(F_sDate_of_L) != null

FLATTEN date(F_sDate_of_L) AS F_dtDate_of_L
FLATTEN dateformat(F_dtDate_of_L, "yyyy-MM-dd") AS F_fsDate_of_L
FLATTEN dur(F_dtDate_of_L - YAML_Date).days AS F_duration_days
WHERE F_duration_days != 0
WHERE (contains(L.tags, "#Test/d05") AND contains(L.outlinks, [[Note K]]))
      OR (contains(L.tags, "#Test/d05") AND contains(L.outlinks, [[Note Q]]))



DQL20_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter: case_FLST_HLSSS


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 0.To require the note in the following form: case_FLST_HLSSS
1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather list items where the heading contains “some events”
3.To gather task items where the heading contains “some tasks”
4.To filter by L.tags
5.To sort by in ascending order 6.To display each DVIF in items as a table [without the desired structure]
Require the files with the case_FLST_HLSSS structure


Require the files with the case_FLST_HLSSS structure

case_FLST_HLSSS: use file.lists where L.text contains at least one field separator like “|”
FLST: Use file.lists
H: a header
L : an element of file.lists
S: field separators

  • filename : dic_20040301 contains the heading “some events”
Date: 2004-03-01

Areas:: #research

#### input
##### some events
- 2004-03-01 | drinks | Black Coffee | 11 | #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- 2004-03-02 | drinks | Black Coffee | 21 | #Test/d02  [[Note J]]
- 2004-03-03 | drinks | Black Coffee | 31 |  [[Note K]]
- 2004-03-04 | drinks | Black Coffee | 41 | #Test/d04
- 2004-03-05 | drinks | Black Coffee | 51 | #Test/d05 [[Note K]] 
- 2004-03-06 | drinks | Black Coffee | 61 | #Test/d06 
- 2004-73-07 | drinks | Black Coffee | 71 | #Test/d07
- 2004-03-08 | drinks | Black Coffee | 81 |  [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- 2004-03-09 | drinks | Black Coffee | 91
- 2004-03-10 | drinks | Black Coffee
- It is finished!


  • filename : dic_20040401 contains the heading “some tasks”
Date: 2004-04-01

Areas:: #mocap

## input
### some tasks
- [ ] 2004-04-01 | drinks | Green Tea | 101 | #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-02 | drinks | Green Tea | 201 | #Test/d02  [[Note P]]
- [ ] 2004-04-03 | drinks | Green Tea | 301 |  [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-04 | drinks | Green Tea | 401 | #Test/d04
- [x] 2004-04-05 | drinks | Green Tea | 501 | #Test/d05 [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-06 | drinks | Green Tea | 601 | #Test/d06 
- [ ] 2004-74-07 | drinks | Green Tea | 701 | #Test/d07
- [ ] 2004-04-08 | drinks | Green Tea | 801 |  [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] 2004-04-09 | drinks | Green Tea | 901
- [ ] 2004-04-10 | drinks | Green Tea
- [ ] It is finished!


Code DQL20_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter: case_FLST_HLSSS

title: DQL20_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter =>0.Require the files with the `case_FLST_HLSSS` structure
collapse: close
      choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] " + "",  "- " + "") AS "m_or_t",
      F_sDate_of_L AS "L_sDate",
      F_fsDate_of_L AS "L_fsDate",
      F_type AS "type",
      F_desc AS "desc",
      F_cost AS "cost",
      L.tags AS "tags",
      L.outlinks AS "outlinks"   

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type
WHERE contains(F_subpath, "some events") AND F_type = "header"
      OR (contains(F_subpath, "some tasks") AND F_type = "header")
WHERE regexmatch("^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+", L.text)

FLATTEN split(L.text, "\s+\|\s+")[0] AS F_sDate_of_L
FLATTEN split(L.text, "\s+\|\s+")[1] AS F_type
FLATTEN split(L.text, "\s+\|\s+")[2] AS F_desc
FLATTEN split(L.text, "\s+\|\s+")[3] AS F_cost
WHERE F_sDate_of_L != null
WHERE date(F_sDate_of_L) != null

FLATTEN date(F_sDate_of_L) AS F_dtDate_of_L
FLATTEN dateformat(F_dtDate_of_L, "yyyy-MM-dd") AS F_fsDate_of_L
WHERE contains(L.tags, "#Test/d02")



DQL30_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter: case_FLST_HLDSS


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 0.To require the note in the following form: case_FLST_HLDSS
1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather list items where the heading contains “other events”
3.To gather task items where the heading contains “other tasks”
4.To filter by L.tags
5.To sort by in ascending order
6.To display each DVIF in items as a table [without the desired structure]
Require the files with the case_FLST_HLDSS structure


Require the files with the case_FLST_HLDSS structure

case_FLST_HLDSS: use file.lists where L.text consists of one DVIF and field separators
FLST: Use file.lists
H: a header
L : an element of file.lists
S: field separators

  • filename : dic_20040301 contains the heading “other events”
Date: 2004-03-01

Areas:: #research

#### input
##### other events 
- info:: 2004-03-01 | drinks | Black Coffee | 12 | #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- info:: 2004-03-02 | drinks | Black Coffee | 22 | #Test/d02  [[Note J]]
- info:: 2004-03-03 | drinks | Black Coffee | 32 |  [[Note K]]
- info:: 2004-03-04 | drinks | Black Coffee | 42 | #Test/d04
- info:: 2004-03-05 | drinks | Black Coffee | 52 | #Test/d05 [[Note K]] 
- info:: 2004-03-06 | drinks | Black Coffee | 62 | #Test/d06       
- info:: 2004-73-07 | drinks | Black Coffee | 72 | #Test/d07  
- info:: 2004-03-08 | drinks | Black Coffee | 82 | [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]  
- info:: 2004-03-09 | drinks | Black Coffee | 92  
- info:: 2004-03-10 | drinks | Black Coffee
- It is finished!


  • filename : dic_20040401 contains the heading “other tasks”
Date: 2004-04-01

Areas:: #mocap

## input
### other tasks 
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-01 | drinks | Green Tea | 102) #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-02 | drinks | Green Tea | 202) #Test/d02  [[Note P]]
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-03 | drinks | Green Tea | 302)  [[Note Q]]
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-04 | drinks | Green Tea | 402) #Test/d04
- [x] (info:: 2004-04-05 | drinks | Green Tea | 502) #Test/d05 [[Note Q]]
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-06 | drinks | Green Tea | 602) #Test/d06       
- [ ] (info:: 2004-74-07 | drinks | Green Tea | 702) #Test/d07  
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-08 | drinks | Green Tea | 802)  [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-09 | drinks | Green Tea | 902) 
- [ ] (info:: 2004-04-10 | drinks | Green Tea) 
- [ ] It is finished!


Code DQL30_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter: case_FLST_HLDSS

title: DQL30_flatten_fLists_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading_and_filter =>0.Require the files with the `case_FLST_HLDSS` structure
collapse: close
      choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] " + "",  "- " + "") AS "m_or_t",
      F_sDate_of_L AS "L_sDate",
      F_fsDate_of_L AS "L_fsDate",
      F_type AS "type",
      F_desc AS "desc",
      F_cost AS "cost",
      L.tags AS "tags",
      L.outlinks AS "outlinks"      

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type
WHERE contains(F_subpath, "other events") AND F_type = "header"
      OR (contains(F_subpath, "other tasks") AND F_type = "header")
WHERE != null

FLATTEN split(, "\s+\|\s+")[0] AS F_sDate_of_L
FLATTEN split(, "\s+\|\s+")[1] AS F_type
FLATTEN split(, "\s+\|\s+")[2] AS F_desc
FLATTEN split(, "\s+\|\s+")[3] AS F_cost
WHERE F_sDate_of_L != null
WHERE date(F_sDate_of_L) != null

FLATTEN date(F_sDate_of_L) AS F_dtDate_of_L
FLATTEN dateformat(F_dtDate_of_L, "yyyy-MM-dd") AS F_fsDate_of_L
WHERE contains(L.tags, "#Test/d02")



DQL61_flatten_fLists_and_display_root_list_items_and_root_task_items_under_the_heading: case_FLST_HLDDD


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 0.To require the note in the following form: case_FLST_HLDDD
1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather root list items or root task items where the heading contains “what happened today”
3.To sort by in ascending order
4.To display each DVIF in root items as a table [without the desired structure]
Require the files with the case_FLST_HLDDD structure


Require the files with the case_FLST_HLDDD structure

case_FLST_HLDDD: use file.lists where L.text consists of more than one DVIF
FLST: Use file.lists
H: a header
L : an element of file.lists

  • filename : dic_20040301 contains the heading “what happened today”
Date: 2004-03-01

Areas:: #research

#### input
##### what happened today?
- [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 10] #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 20] #Test/d02  [[Note J]]

##### Each DVIF is aligned to the left
- [type:: "food"] 
  [desc:: "breakfast"] 
  [cost:: 10]
  #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- [type:: "food"]
  [desc:: "breakfast"] 
  [cost:: 20] 
  #Test/d02  [[Note J]]

  • filename : dic_20040401 contains the heading “what happened today”
Date: 2004-04-01

Areas:: #mocap

## input
### what happened today?
- [ ] [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 100] #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 200] #Test/d02  [[Note P]]

### Each DVIF is aligned to the left
- [ ] [type:: "food"] 
      (desc:: "breakfast") 
      %%(cost:: 100)%% 
      #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] [type:: "food"] 
      (desc:: "breakfast") 
      %%(cost:: 200)%%
      #Test/d02  [[Note P]]


Code DQL61_flatten_fLists_and_display_root_list_items_and_root_task_items_under_the_heading: case_FLST_HLDDD

title: DQL61_flatten_fLists_and_display_root_list_items_and_root_task_items_under_the_heading =>0.Require the files with the `case_FLST_HLDDD` structure
collapse: close
      choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] " + "",  "- " + "") AS "m_or_t",
      L.type AS "type",
      L.desc AS "desc",
      L.cost AS "cost",
      L.tags AS "tags", 
      L.outlinks AS "outlinks",
      L.header AS "header"

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type

WHERE !L.parent
WHERE contains(F_subpath, "what happened today") AND F_type = "header"



Part 1/2

Part 2/2

DQL63_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_root_list_items_under_the_heading_and_sum: case_FLST_HLDDD


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 0.To require the note in the following form: case_FLST_HLDDD
1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather root list items where the heading contains “what happened today”
3.To group by and let G_file_link =;
4.To sort by G_file_link in descending order
5.To sum up rows.L.cost as “sum_r_cost”
6.To display each DVIF in root list items as a table [without the desired structure]
Require the files with the case_FLST_HLDDD structure

Code DQL63_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_root_list_items_under_the_heading_and_sum: case_FLST_HLDDD

title: DQL63_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_root_list_items_under_the_heading_and_sum =>0.Require the files with the `case_FLST_HLDDD` structure
collapse: close
      G_file_link AS "File",
      rows.L.type AS "type",
      rows.L.desc AS "desc",
      rows.L.cost AS "cost",
      sum(map(rows.L.cost, (e) =>  sum(default(e, 0)))) AS "sum_r_cost",
      map(rows.L, (L) => choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] ", "a list item")) AS "milestones_or_tasks"

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type

WHERE !L.parent AND !L.task
WHERE contains(F_subpath, "what happened today") AND F_type = "header"

GROUP BY AS G_file_link
SORT G_file_link DESC



DQL65_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_root_task_items_under_the_heading_and_sum: case_FLST_HLDDD


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 0.To require the note in the following form: case_FLST_HLDDD
1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather root task items where the heading contains “what happened today”
3.To group by and let G_file_link =;
4.To sort by G_file_link in descending order
5.To sum up rows.L.cost as “sum_r_cost”
6.To display each DVIF in root task items as a table [without the desired structure]
Require the files with the case_FLST_HLDDD structure

Code DQL65_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_root_task_items_under_the_heading_and_sum: case_FLST_HLDDD

title: DQL65_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_root_task_items_under_the_heading_and_sum =>0.Require the files with the `case_FLST_HLDDD` structure
collapse: close
      G_file_link AS "File",
      rows.L.type AS "type",
      rows.L.desc AS "desc",
      rows.L.cost AS "cost",
      sum(map(rows.L.cost, (e) =>  sum(default(e, 0)))) AS "sum_r_cost",
      map(rows.L, (L) => choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] ", "a list item")) AS "milestones_or_tasks"

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type

WHERE !L.parent AND L.task
WHERE !rows.L.cost
WHERE contains(F_subpath, "what happened today") AND F_type = "header"

GROUP BY AS G_file_link
SORT G_file_link DESC



Exercises : DQL90_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading


Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes 1.To flatten file.lists
2.To gather list items or task items where the heading contains “what happened today”
3.To group by and let G_file_link =;
4.To sort by G_file_link in descending order
5.To display the result as a table [without the desired structure]
1.The DQL90 is based on the DQL07 in the following topic.
1.1 Q93_Tasks: Solutions


dictionary files

  • filename : dic_20040301 contains the heading “what happened today”
Date: 2004-03-01

Areas:: #research

#### input
##### what happened today?
- [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 10] #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 20] #Test/d02  [[Note J]]

##### Each DVIF is aligned to the left
- [type:: "food"] 
  [desc:: "breakfast"] 
  [cost:: 10]
  #Test/d01 [[Note J]] , [[Note K]]
- [type:: "food"]
  [desc:: "breakfast"] 
  [cost:: 20] 
  #Test/d02  [[Note J]]


  • filename : dic_20040401 contains the heading “what happened today”
Date: 2004-04-01

Areas:: #mocap

## input
### what happened today?
- [ ] [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 100] #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] [type:: "food"] [desc:: "breakfast"] [cost:: 200] #Test/d02  [[Note P]]

### Each DVIF is aligned to the left
- [ ] [type:: "food"] 
      (desc:: "breakfast") 
      %%(cost:: 100)%% 
      #Test/d01 [[Note P]] , [[Note Q]]
- [ ] [type:: "food"] 
      (desc:: "breakfast") 
      %%(cost:: 200)%%
      #Test/d02  [[Note P]]


Code DQL90_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading

title: DQL90_flatten_fLists_groupBy_fLink_and_display_list_items_and_task_items_under_the_heading =>1.To flatten file.lists 2.To gather list items or task items where the heading contains "what happened today" 3.To group by and `let G_file_link =;` 4.To sort by G_file_link in descending order 5.To display the result as a table [without the desired structure]
collapse: close
      G_file_link AS "File",
      map(rows.L, (L) => choice(L.task, "- [" + L.status + "] " + L.text,  L.text)) AS "milestones_or_tasks"

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" AND #Project

FLATTEN file.lists AS L
FLATTEN meta(L.header).subpath AS F_subpath
FLATTEN meta(L.header).type AS F_type

WHERE contains(F_subpath, "what happened today") AND F_type = "header"

GROUP BY AS G_file_link
SORT G_file_link DESC



Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

Exercises : DVJS90_groupBy_fLink_flatten_fLists_and_taskList_under_the_heading



Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
file.lists yes
1.To groupBy as G1 (G1=group.rows)
2.To flatten page.file.lists
3.To gather a list item(or a task item) under the heading “what happened today”
4.To display the result by using the dv.taskList [with the desired structure]
1.The DVJS90 is based on the DVJS01 in the following topic.
1.1 Q17_GroupIn: Solutions

code DVJS90_groupBy_fLink_flatten_fLists_and_taskList_under_the_heading

title: DVJS90_groupBy_fLink_flatten_fLists_and_taskList_under_the_heading => 1.To groupBy as G1 (G1=group.rows) 2.To flatten page.file.lists 3.To gather a list item(or a task item) under the heading "what happened today" 4.To display the result by using the dv.taskList [with the desired structure]
collapse: close
// M11. define pages: gather all relevant pages
// #####################################################################
let pages = dv
    .pages('"100_Project/02_dataview/Q92_FileLists/Q92_test_data" and #Project')
    .where((page) => page.Areas);

// M21. define groups:
// To groupBy AS G1 (G1=group.rows)
// #####################################################################
let groups = pages
    .groupBy((page) =>
    .sort((group) => group.key, "desc");

// M31. output groups:
// #####################################################################
for (let group of groups) {

    // M31.FR13 define a_filtered_lists:
    // FLATTEN_CASE_10:To FLATTEN page.file.lists and gather them
    // WHERE_CASE_11  :To gather a list item(or a task item) 
    //                 under the heading "what happened today"
    // #####################################################################
    let a_filtered_lists = group.rows
        .flatMap((page) => page.file.lists)
            (L) => dv.func.contains(L.header.subpath, "what happened today") && 
                   L.header.type === "header"

    // M31.FR15 check a_filtered_lists.length :
    // #####################################################################
    if (a_filtered_lists.length === 0){
    // M31.FR21 output :
    // #####################################################################
    dv.header(3, group.key);
    // M31.FR23 output a_filtered_lists.text: [with the desired structure]
    // #####################################################################
    dv.taskList(a_filtered_lists, false); 



Part 1/2

Part 2/2



Q93_Tasks > DQL07

Q17_GroupIn > DVJS01