I’m writing a new post here, because I’ve tried to find a solution in many different threads. But I don’t know anymore, which one of them is most relevant.
What I’m trying to do
I’m trying to establish a system for managing tasks. My question is this. Often I’d like to add to a task some short hidden comments. I’ve problems with focusing on my attention, so the less clatter the better. Making every task as a new note seems unnecessary and inconvenient. I thought I’d use an indented list for that. It’s simple and looks smart.
The problem occurs when I try to gather tasks from around the volt in one place and/or display them in a reading view. In general, it’s some kind of issue with indented lists that begin with a task. First I thought it was only the Task Plugin, but it occurs in some version in other instances too.
Things I have tried
When the Task Plugin is enabled. If the list was previously expanded in a source mode, in the read mode - the arrow for folding and unfolding lists isn’t showing, so folding is impossible. And when in a source mode the list was collapsed - in a reading view, it is also collapsed and, without any indicator, that there is some hidden text. In the Task Plugin’s query the indented list is flattened. When I disable Task Plugin, indented lists start to work fine, but obviously you can’t query them via tasks
I understand that Task Plugin don’t support sub-tasks, but is it the only cause of this behaviour? I don’t need sub-tasks. Just plain text sub-lists. And although i’d like to, I don’t really need to use Task Plugin. But I’ve similar problems with other types of queries too. Dataview query and DATAVIEWJS query by the header ( like in this post Summarize Daily Notes Using Dataview - #8 by SiliasOS - AlanG’s version) also don’t allow folding and unfolding lists when the first item is a task. They don’t flatten them though. And Dataview Plugin doesn’t affect the behaviour of indented lists starting with the task, in the reading view.
So basically, I’d like to have a task that is foldable, both in a reading view and in some kind of query. Beneath are links to other problems similar to mine. I’ve read all this but still don’t have an answer I guess, separate notes for every task are doable. If there’s no other way, I’ll do that. But I’ve already spent some time looking into it, so I’ve thought there’s no harm in compiling it here and asking someone smarter.
Why does bullet point indentation look different inside a callout and page embeds, vs directly on a page? - similar problem --#Why does bullet point indentation look different inside a callout and page embeds, vs directly on a page?
Indented block after a task doesn't get rendered in reading mode · Issue #1041 · obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks · GitHub - exactly my problem -# Indented block after a task doesn’t get rendered in reading mode
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Support showing tasks as indented · obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks · Discussion #60 · GitHub - possible cause -# Support showing tasks as indented
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Indented block after a task doesn't get rendered in reading mode · Issue #1041 · obsidian-tasks-group/obsidian-tasks · GitHub - # Indented block after a task doesn’t get rendered in reading mode