Show a complete preview of the canvas (including text) when a canvas is embedded in a note

Use case or problem

This allows for easier implementation of canvases hand-in-hand with notes.

Proposed solution

A well-sized image of the canvas being referenced could be portrayed, similar to how images already work in obsidian.


@Yawnxer you are referring to something like this, right?


I cant use Canvas as a Mindmap inside a note because ![[Example_Canvas]] only shows empty blocks with no text in it

Proposed solution

an easy solution would be to enable the ! preview command fully so that also the text inside the blocks are shown inside the note

added value to obsidian

I think that being able to fully display a canvas inside a note is a big and important step for obsidian. Right now people have to make screenshots of the canvas and put them in the note. Canvas is such a great and amazing tool - lets expand the usecase to notes!


this would be really useful, the current state of embedding canvases without any content is almost useless…

I understand how this would be a pain to render for liek really large canvases but for small diagrams I think this should b a basic feature


There should at least be an option todo this. This would completely eradicate the excalidraw plugin use case for me


+1 for this feature. Thanks!

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It’s been stated in other threads ( [1], [2] ), that the obsidian team is working on this. Those threads are almost 2 years old (this one too), maybe we can get a status update? I get that there are probably higher priorities, just curious about whether this feature is in the pipeline, and where in it – or if we should lower our expectations?

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Showing some content (even just the group name) instead of several placeholder blocks will be more useful imho.

This would proof super helpful for mind maps inside notes.
Just having general shapes is useless most of the time, “assuming” the general shape of a system might be fancy and all but I wouldn’t want to switch to another file just for a tiny “Word-SmartArt like” Overview.
Maybe a additional parameter in the Embed could help. I do not know the exact architecture of obsidian, but if it works like that something along the lines of ![[canvas.canvas|canvasName|true]] would be helpful, for enabling text rendering.
Possibly also for only a single layer (not recursive) to limit visual clutter.