You most likely don’t need this thread to find new plugins (you should first check the community plugins page in the settings), but just in case I’ll keep updating this from time to time.
If the plugins available in the community plugins page don’t fit what you need, feel free to search for existing proposals in Plugins ideas.
This a meta post to collect and share plugins that are using the new API! The old Plugin directory will be kept as an archive for the Volcano (RIP) and console hacks. Feel free to comment with plugins not included in this list!
For how to install, where to find plugins, and how to receive updates, please see: Plugins mini FAQ.
Plugins with alpha API (0.9.7+)
Note utilities
- Natural language dates
- Hotkeys for TODOs, ordered/unodered lists and blockquotes
- Search expander: Get a text in document, run search with it and replace the line with ![[NotesName]] which was found.
- Paste link into selected text (Notion-style)
- Table editor
- Forum post: Advanced Tables Plugin
- Copy as markdown
- Forum post: Obsidian Plugin: Copy Markdown
- Note refactoring
- Jump between links using hotkeys
- Add cross-links between notes
- Review
- Andy mode or sliding windows
- Forum post: Sliding Panes (Andy Matuschak Mode) Plugin
- Add reading time to status bar
- Show invisible characters in editor
- Forum post: Show whitespace plugin
- Calendar plugin
- Syntax highlighting for codeblocks
- Configuration using a vimrc-style
Todo Apps
- Todoist integration with Obsidian
- Forum post: Todoist Sync Plugin (v1.8.0)