When you want it to be easy but not too easy to delete both the link and underlying file…
Proposed solution
Especially, if not only, for embedded Pasted image screenshots, a simple “Delete link and file” command available via right click would be a helpful timesaver. For those weary of this as a risk, maybe it could require manually going into settings to disable a warning dialog as opposed to just a “Do not warn me again” checkbox on the dialog. Maybe even the disabling of the warning in the settings creates another warning that requires another checkbox and a click to commit the changes. That dialog could suggest using the File Recovery plugin and using Obsidian .trash folder for deletes (perhaps with options to enable on the fly). Maybe this is all overkill, but I hate deleting inadvertently and unknowingly just as much as the next person.
Current workaround (optional)
An AHK macro to follow link, delete, navigate back, then select and delete link (often disabling the last part as it is a bit finicky in my macro since it is obviously a little context sensitive and doesn’t work inline). I really feel uncomfortable using the macro for obvious reasons hence the feature request. Thanks so much! So excited for the possibilities of both the future and present state of Obsidian!
Now there is an available solution.
I developed a plugin Fast Image Cleaner, which this plug-in allows you to quickly delete picture attachment files and reference links in documents.
Has this feature been added? I embed many notes and I still have to open them up to delete them. Would be a nice convenience to delete a file from the embedding/link. Whether a hot key click combo or right click menu option, either or both will suffice.
Edit: Ok the “Links” plugin provides this feature.
I have implemented the contextual button for Wikilinks / MarkDown links. This works for both links and embedded graphics. As far as I know, it is the most complete plugin for importing and managing attachments out there (but yeah, I did not test all and every other plugin).
I am using markdown files to management project related attachements that will be updated frequently. It will be easier if there is a right click option to delete old verion attachements on its link.