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I read the discussion about the bug in Electron in a way, that it has to do with how the languages are referenced (EN-en, DE-de vs en,de).
I’d like to try this out in Obsidian. If - as a workaround - I could find a configuration in which at least German (my primary language) would show suggestions while both languages are marked with the red lines, that would help. Currently only suggestions for English are shown, which I don’t use that much.
Problem is, I can’t find any configuration file where the spellcheck-settings (like languages chosen) are stored.
Make a German spelling mistake:
The correct word is known by the dictionary. But it will suggest anything but that word.
öglichkeit => Missing “M”, Suggestion is “Lichtenstein”
Möglickeit => Missing “h”, Suggestion is “Magicked”
Möglichkei => Missing “t”, Suggestion is “Heimlich”
Is it possible, that the suggestions are only taken from the English spelling dictionary?
Either way, the suggestions does not match the misspelled word, that is only missing one character.
Reasonable suggestion for the German spelling error.
Actual result
A suggestions that is not even vaguely matches the erroneous spelling.
Obsidian version: v1.4.16
Installer version: v1.4.13
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.22621
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
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Unfortunately not.
I helped myself by just using one language for spellchecking (German) and switching the spellchecker on and off when I use English text.
Yep, same here. The spellcheck suggestions are basically unusable in certain situations. Right now, it seems that specifically German and German (Germany) are causing the problem for me. As soon as you have either of those in the language list you will only get suggestions for German.
Dutch, English → Suggestions in both languages
Dutch, German → Suggestions only in German
English, German → Suggestions only in German
Dutch, English, German → Suggestions only in German
Can confirm this happens with English/Spanish combo too. Once I added Spanish, it stopped suggesting English. For now, I just removed Spanish since I need it far less.
This is still a bug. Is there a work round possible by specifying the spellchecker language in the properties of a note - so that at least you could have different languages for different notes - with some sensible default where it is not specified.
i have the same issue and it only shows stuff for english, which is my secondary language and i need it far less, but the priority order to the suggestions seems to be random, so i would like to set it myself if possible