Multiple hotkeys for the same action

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Use case or problem

As of right now, at most one hotkey combination can be set for the same action.

Proposed solution

It would be great if multiple hotkeys could be set for the same task. For example, I often get mistaken and I would like both alt + <- and cmd + <- to open the left menu bar.

Related feature requests


I would also really appreciate this. I have a macropad set up where each key is a modified F-key. I would love to make use of these in Obsidian – in addition to the shortcuts I use on my standard keyboard.


On other text editor with tab functionality I use both ctrl+tab and ctrl+pageUp / pageDown to switch tabs, depending on the task. Would be nice to have this ability in Obsidian.

I’m not sure if this old Feature Request used to not be supported, but I am pretty sure it is now. I can map multiple hotkeys just fine. And I seem to remember doing so even a year ago.

As far as I can tell, this is implemented. Do you not have the plus sign in your settings?

Here is a screenshot of how I have 3 different hotkeys for opening a daily note:

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@WhiteNoise This can be closed as done.