Continuous View - Scrivener Like

Show notes in a folder tree hierarchically: I am moving from Scrivener to Obisidan. My dissertation contains many snippets that are sorted in a hierarchical order by file names.

I’d like to have a continuous view / edit option of all files below the point that I have selected in the folder tree.

In Scrivener, you can switch from isolated view to continous view and back using Cmd+1.

In Continuous view, dashed lines are shown in the viewer / editor to show where one file ends and the next starts.

Of course, this would also have to respect the sort order; in Obisidian, by default folders are all listed before the files, which is not what I want; sometimes I’ve a file “0 - Overview” and then a bunch of subfolders.

For the folder tree, I’ve found a solution with the SebastianMC/obsidian-custom-sort plugin; a continuous view should also sort the files and directories in alphabetical order.

Below is a screen shot.

Thank you!


I’m pretty sure this has come up before (maybe not as a feature request). Search the forum for related discussions.

I do love the example image posted here, would be great to merge with this one:

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Thanks. I will say the word “duplicate” in hope of summoning the thread-merge spirits. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the replies. In the meantime, I’ve found “sort of” a solution. As part of my LaTeX integration with Obsidian, see here:

I can automatically generate and ungenerate MOCs, on each folder level. Consider this:

On the right side you see my little LaTeX Control Panel - it basically takes care of everything around LaTeX. In the context here, what I’ve added, is an automated generation of files that would just include in-place links to all files in their subdirectories.

Maybe it helps someone… I’ll certainly create more documentation around that Obsidian / LaTeX integration once I’ve been working with it some more.

You might find the long form plugin fills some scrivener use cases.

I thought so too, but I guess it was just plugin ideas. (I would love this feature very much.)

Related plugin ideas:


Perhaps Datacore is going to provide this functionality:

  • Embed List: A special list which just renders a list of embedded pages

Or am I reading that wrongly?

+1 for this!

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This would be very, very helpful! +1

I’d love to see this feature implemented fully as core functionality. It would make Obsidian the premier markdown app for longform writing.


Would love to see this!

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I’m dying to see this feature in Obsidian. I feel it’ll be a MAJOR GAME CHANGER allowing lots of Scrivener users - me being the first - to move to Obsidian forever. … a big plus one here


want this feature+1

Personally, while I think the Longform plugin has a lot of potential, I’ve found that it’s fairly fragile. (I’ve managed to break it both times I’ve tried it).

It also doesn’t allow for files to be in folders & sub folders, which breaks the ability to utilize organization via your computer’s file manager. (Which is a big chunk of the reason I use Obsidian in the first place).

I too would very much love to see this as a core feature.


It would be a great feature for daily notes and long form writing.

Want this !

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GitHub - gasparschott/obsidian-continuous-mode: An Obsidian plugin that displays all open notes in a tab group as a single continuous document (sometimes called “Scrivenings mode”). Features arrow navigation between notes, reorder notes with drag-and-drop of tab headers. GitHub - gasparschott/obsidian-continuous-mode: An Obsidian plugin that displays all open notes in a tab group as a single continuous document (sometimes called "Scrivenings mode"). Features arrow navigation between notes, reorder notes with drag-and-drop of tab headers.


This is very much needed :+1:

As it is now, the file explorer presents the list of notes as a mere index of titles. It makes it challenging to navigate folders with many files, especially if you do atomic notes. Moreover, it doesn’t allow to take a bird’s eye view of the contents of a folder; to see the folder as a whole rather than as a collection of separated and disparate notes. There’s a dire need to for more visual ways to browse notes.

These requests are very similar:

  1. Infinite scroll on multiple selected notes
  2. Note Combination

And the requests below are in the same vein of expanding the way to navigate folders:

  1. Grid Layout/Card View/Masonry Gallery
  2. Note list view with fragments of note body
  3. Canvas Gallery View
  4. Open file automatically in accord to file explorer focus using keyboard navigation

Fwiw, there’s now a Continuous Mode community plugin in addition to the Longform plugin.


is this the plugin your looking for?
