Here is the Zettelkasten Maturity Model with links to existing posts:
Level 0: Incomplete
Knowledge work may or may not get completed.
Make good notes
Level 1: Initial
Knowledge work gets completed but is often delayed and over budget.
Level 0
Provide folders
Select tools
Level 2: Managed
Knowledge projects are planned, performed, measured, and controlled.
Level 1
Start with clear goals
Link notes
Search and retrieve notes
Level 3: Defined
Established standards provide guidance across projects.
Level 2
Setup Zettelkasten
Use tags
Use templates
Level 4: Qualitatively Managed
Data-driven with quantitative performance improvement goals aligned with user needs.
Level 3
Review and revise notes
Level 5: Optimizing
Focus on continuous improvement and built to pivot and respond to opportunity and change.
Level 4
Inspect and adapt process
Simplify Zettelkasten
But do not forget the one: Have fun!