Text between headings and stopping headings

When you want to put text in between ## headings, I have found that it is so far not possible to do so. You either need to create a new ## BLANK heading or just live with it.

I think Obsidian would benefit from having a way to close off headings indefinetly. For example, by putting the horizontal marking.

Now all new text just gets hoarded into the previous heading. I propose a ‘stop’ for headings.

I have just decided to start using Obsidian but this has been a mayor obstacle already. PLEASE

This FR already exists. Syntax to delineate end of inner heading section, thus defaulting to next highest

And these ones might be somewhat related with possible workarounds in the discussions:

So I’m going to move yours to help for now. You can check out those other discussions. Otherwise I encourage you to give some examples of what you’re trying to do, and why it’s a major obstacle for your specific workflow, because someone might have a good suggestion or workaround for you.

Some other feature requests to read:

See also foldable callouts and nested callouts.

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