A general format for specifying ranges in internal links

I moved a couple of posts into this new thread because they propose a very general way of defining ranges. General is nice but sometimes complex if the problem at hand is narrow.


The syntax for transclusion of range should allow to Exclude first (or last) block/item mentioned in specification of the range.
This would allow to keep adding items to start or end of (sub)list …
… without need to update specification of each transclusion of this (sub)list.


  • content of the chapter without header
  • queue/stack of tasks
  • nested (sub)lists

syntax suggestions

  • I suggest double period as distinct range specifier. “..” has minimum of other common meanings so it would intuitively explain itself at first glance to many computer literate people. Wikipedia: Ellipsis (computer programming) → Ranges
  • ![[FileNameORPageURL#^id1..^id2]] transcludes range starting by block with ^id1 and ending by block denoted by ^id2.
  • Assuming that IDs do not start by hyphen, start/end item would be excluded from the range by prefixed hyphen.
  • ![[pageurl#-^id1..^id2]] excludes first block from range so items inserted after ^id1 are automatically transcluded without need to update references.
  • ![[pageurl#^id1..-^id2]] excludes last block from range so items appended to list before ^id2 are automatically transcluded without need to update references.

related requests/functionality:

  • The same as in the post above would work for html elements with id attribute (without caret). e.g. ![[pageurl#id1..id9]], ![[pageurl#-id1..id9]].
  • References to “markdown” block-id and html id can be combined in ranges.
  • If there can exist/exists element with ID starting by hyphen then we would need e.g. to enclose such ID in parentheses in order to exclude it from range.

Interfering problem:

Reference to chapter is indistinguishable from reference to html block and (perhaps as a consequence) it is impossible to transclude / refer to html block/element with assigned ID.
For example [[pageurl#markdown-chapter-id]] refering to

# Markdown Chapter ID
Text of the chapter.

is indistinguishable from [[pageurl#span-id]] refering to html span

markdown text 
containing<span id="span-id">html elements</span>

which is standard but does not work in Obsidian.


I would suggest (before Obsidian 1.0) changing syntax for chapter reference from [[pageurl#markdown-chapter-id]] to [[pageurl##markdown-chapter-id]].

  • This would put markdown headers with associated chapters on the same level as (markdown)-block-IDs with associated blocks.
    First # symbol would always separate fragment from page URL and the second # would denote header just like ^ denotes block. Then we could refer to everything:
![[pageurl#-#intro-chapter..#last-chapter]] where prefixed hyphen excludes introduction chapter from range. 
![[pageurl##first-chapter..]] transclusion starts by first chapter up to the end of page. 
![[pageurl#-#intro-chapter..]] everything after intro chapter up to the end of page. 
![[pageurl#..#last-chapter]] everything up to last chapter (including)
![[pageurl#..-#last-chapter]] everything up to last chapter (excluding)

Possible behavior of references in nested structures:

  • useful e.g. for referencing Bible
  • Distinguish duplicate id’s via tree structure created by chapters, markdown blocks and html elements
    ![[bookname##ch1^v5..#ch2^v3]] - from chapter1/verse(block)3 up to chapter2/verse3
  • limit range by boundaries of surrounding (higher level) block/element:
    ![[pageurl##chapter1..^block-in-chapter1]] would transclude beginning of chapter up to specified block. 
    ![[pageurl#^block-in-chapter1..#chapter1]] would transclude end of chapter starting by specified block. 

I created a related FR today and later realized that this FR could solve it, and wrote about my particular use case for it there: Paragraph+List Block Range Transclusions. It lists plugin Quoth that also supports transcluding ranges, which might be a temporary solution for those interested until this FR is implemented.

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Earlier I wrote my suggestions in comments under Header level support for Linking To/Embedding Ranges - Feature requests - Obsidian Forum before I discovered this topic.
Just linking here for now. I can post it here as well if needed.

I tried to propose a syntax that is both more flexible and readable compared to other proposals I can see.

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