I see you’ve restricted date checking to daily notes. I assume it’s something to do with avoiding a search of all notes, however that’s not where my tasks are. They are in individual project pages so I can’t see any way to search them by date range. Am I correct in understanding that?
Took me a few goes to get my #waiting tag found. If I put it in the tagged with field, it pulls up all items, incomplete or complete. Ended up leaving that field blank and searching for incomplete items with text #waiting
Hm. How do you have the dates encoded into a given task on a project page? What would a successful query look like?
Glad you figured it out. The top section targets properties of the note proper, while the button helps target specific parts. The secret goal of the plugin is just to help people understand searching so that they can build their own queries, as it’s quite difficult to make a GUI to fit every possible transfiguration. Still, I’m open to hearing about better ways!
- [ ] Send updated debtors report to directors, [[2021-01-29]]
On the 2021-01-29 page I can see this item via backlinks, but I can’t see anything held over from yesterday without updating all the dates (and one could argue that’s good practice to reasses them all)
Am looking for a query that can show all uncompleted tasks up to and including that date, no matter where they are. Anything without a date can be excluded.
I may be asking for more than is possible from Obsidian at present.
Would it be possible for the plugin to add the function that return section ID ([[note#section]]) and line ID ([[note#^line]]) for section and line operators in addition to [[note]]?
@ryanjmurhpy, with the help of Vantage I managed to get a few things sorted out last night which get me a long way towards a workable solution. Once I get it done and run with it for a week or so, I’ll make sure to post about it somewhere.
Reminder of setup:
each project has a page
a project’s tasks are on that page, some of which are dated, some are not
there are 2 other pages for misc work and personal tasks
otherwise, tasks are nowhere else
Goal: Be able to query all tasks due today, or overdue.
Tracking page is @today. It has
(/- \[ \].*2021-01-28.*/)
A simple matter of updating the date each day.
When previewed, brings up all tasks that are dated today.
But what about yesterday and tasks I may have missed? There are 2 options here.
Update the dates on all tasks from yesterday, then update date on query. Some due yesterday may not necessarily be due today so this is good discipline.
Modify the query to
(/- \[ \].*2021-01-2[78].*/)
which will pull up yesterday and today (adjust to suit).
I could also make the date range query builder an option in the content section. That way you could use the plugin to search for “lines with links to yesterday or today” and it’ll generate e.g., line:(- [ ] [[2021-01-27]] [[2021-01-28]]). (Typing that on my phone, but you hopefully get the gist.)