November 14, 2023, 4:31am
I’m not sure if you noticed, but RyanjaMurphy is a moderator and member of the Obsidian Team. It’s against the Code of Conduct to “ping” or tag them. Thanks. I edited your post to remove the tags.
Also, I’d suggest asking in the Vantage thread.
Vantage - Advanced search builder is now live and on the air via the Community Plugins gallery and on GitHub .
Vantage is a GUI for Obsidian’s powerful search features. My goal is to make it easier for users to learn about and use complex search queries.
It also integrates with @argentum ’s Natural Language Dates plugin to provide an intuitive, fast way to search your daily notes.
Some example use cases for Vantage:
create an embedded search for last week’s incomplete tasks
build a complex qu…
Perhaps someone can offer some advice.