A couple of additional suggestions or alternatives:
include “move file” as part of the right click menu in the file explorer in addition to rename, delete, make copy.
allow slashes in the title for the purposes of specifying folder path. This would be particularly useful when creating a new file. For instance, I could just press “cmd+n” and then type “folder/newfilename” and start writing.
I cannot find a way to drag&drop a file without using a mouse (using the touchpad) on windows pc. It seems impossible to scroll up/down into a folder that is not within the existing view height.
Is there anyone that can shed light on this? There is also no “move file” option on right click
When one right-clicks on a note title in the Explorer pane, one gets a popup window with 3 options. 1 option should be added: Move.
“Move” is relevant if there are folders in the vault. If the list of notes is not too long Drag & Drop is possible. If the note list is long D&D is not possible, unless one does a D&D to a random nearby folder as an intermediate step, and from there D&D to the destination folder.