I often find myself making a new note, but it ends up being in the wrong location. That kinda sucks so I’d like to do it with a hotkey. Instead of pulling up the command palette every time.
If I’m doing anything fundamentally wrong then please tell me. Also if you have a suggestion on how to change my workflow so that I don’t have the need to move as many files.
in the hotkey search box, search for move current file
you’ll find the action called “Move current file to another folder”
press the plus button next to Blank
press your desired key combination, I went with ctrl m
… and you’re done
if you’re having any trouble, take a look at this thread. And especially the later answers where people were having difficulties because they had disabled the file explorer core plugin.
if you have time and inclination, check out the video i linked the other other day:
then using the method talked about in the video
you can have your templates based on triggers move files into dedicated folders
so if your template had a computer - prefix or any other you added in the meta template picker, you can use this templater snippet to move the file in the Computer stuff folder (you can change the folder name and the properties here of course):