Obsidian has become very slow, lags constantly

I have tried most of the suggestions I could find in the forums, e.g. deleting caches, disabling community plugins, disabling graph core plugin, etc., but nothing has helped.

Every time I click anything, a different tab, scroll up/down through a note, click a menu or a click a folder to open the drop-down, it hangs for several seconds with the spinning rainbow ball.

Once I have done this once (scrolled in one file, clicked a folder drop-down, etc.), I can do it again without lag, so it’s almost like it’s slow to read, but once it reads to memory, it’s (more) fine? But that would be weird for e.g., the “File” menu (which also lags), right?

It doesn’t seem to matter how many tabs I have open, and I have not made any changes that were notable to me (new plugins, moving vault, etc.) between when it worked and when it started lagging. It also doesn’t seem to matter how much free RAM I have when using.

Any ideas?

This is the output from "show debug info" after re-enabling everything
	Obsidian version: v1.6.5
	Installer version: v1.6.5
	Operating system: Darwin Kernel Version 23.5.0: Wed May  1 20:12:58 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.121.3~5/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 23.5.0
	Login status: not logged in
	Insider build toggle: off
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: dark
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 1
	Restricted mode: off
	Plugins installed: 39
	Plugins enabled: 30
		1: Advanced Tables v0.21.0
		2: Dataview v0.5.67
		3: Calendar v1.5.10
		4: Tasks v7.6.0
		5: Style Settings v1.0.8
		6: Mind Map v1.1.0
		7: Tag Wrangler v0.6.1
		8: Annotator v0.2.11
		9: Emoji Toolbar v0.4.1
		10: Text Generator v0.7.27
		11: Zotero Integration v3.1.8
		12: Table of Contents v0.2.0
		13: Excel to Markdown Table v0.4.0
		14: Supercharged Links v0.12.1
		15: Copilot v2.5.2
		16: Regex Find/Replace v1.2.0
		17: Task Progress Bar v2.0.0
		18: Periodic Notes v0.0.17
		19: Checklist v2.2.13
		20: Templater v2.3.3
		21: Custom File Explorer sorting v2.1.11
		22: Floating Search v3.5.1
		23: Paste image rename v1.6.1
		24: Hover Editor v0.11.20
		25: Custom Frames v2.4.7
		26: Zotero Bridge v1.6.2
		27: Zotero Link v1.0.1
		28: cMenu v1.1.2
		29: Table to CSV Exporter v0.1.4
		30: Kanban v2.0.51

	Custom theme and snippets: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme and disabling your snippets. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community theme and snippets.
	Community plugins: for bugs, please first try updating all your plugins to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the Sandbox Vault or disable community plugins.
specs and details

MacBook Pro with M1 chip.
16 GB RAM.
Vault stored locally, but in a directory that synchronizes with Nextcloud.


Restricted mode on. Restart obsidian.

cmenu is sort of deprecated - uninstall and use editing toolbar instead (same dev i think)
custom file explorer may be changed by file explorer++?
annotator – i think you should chuck that out as well and use pdf++ plugin
the rest seem okay…

recently i wrote this up as well, but i think you already knew about all this – could be relevant:

1 Like

Thanks for the tips both.

I made the suggested changes to plugins and a full system reboot, and it seems a lot smoother now!

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