Hmmmm…you could be right. I will take a look at that when I get the chance. I do think I am using the store version.
Hmmmm…you could be right. I will take a look at that when I get the chance. I do think I am using the store version.
If this is the case, not only should the export tool work, but you’ll be amazed at what you’ve been missing out on. The store version is lightweight crap, whereas the 2016 version is fantastic.
Hey @KD21, thanks so much for sharing.
I’ve spent the past 5 hours trying to get my OneNote converted over, and after much trialing on both PC and Mac, finally tried yours. This method brought me closest to an import, but it still didn’t fully work. Weirdly, Joplin ends up stuck on the importing screen, with a little wheel spinning at around 10 notes. A while later, those 10 notes show up – but no others (there are probably 150 more that don’t transfer over). Any idea what’s wrong?
Basically, at this point, I have my OneNote notes in both HTML zip and ENEX formats. I just don’t know where to go from here.
Is there any tool for HTML to MD conversion? I’ve been googling to no avail.
Yep, I do have the correct version, but I still get that same error. I am pretty stumped on this one, as I really dont know what else to do to fix it. I thought I might have the wrong version, but that isnt the case.
Any suggestions?
Hi nixsee…thinking of other ways I can handle this, how did you export from onenote to evernote? I do not see the ‘Import to Evernote’ option anymore…did that change in Evernote ver 10.x?
I’ve had the same problem. In my case it was becasue the names of some files in OneNote (mostly web clippings). file(page) names containing ?, |and the like causes problem in conversion. Try changing those titles so they contain just letters and numbers and see how it works.
Good luck
Yes v. 10, the new one of Evenote doesn’t have that option, no more import from OneNote…
One of the many Kill-Pleasure new feautrs (or non-features) of Evernote’s latest version.
Interesting re: Evernote killing Import. Seems like they’ve been in a death spiral for a long time and this will only add to that. @KingXyron, Perhaps you can find an older installer .exe?
Another suggestion for troubleshooting the script
Also, make sure that both Onenote and Powershell are open either as Administrator or not Administrator.
Another suggestion - try the original script. Perhaps it’ll work. If not, you could submit an issue there and hopefully he’ll have an answer - I just added some basic logic and stuff for the menu options and folder output, he did all the original Onenote wizardry.
Yes, so here is what I have done:
I went back and downloaded Evernote Legacy (I still have an Evernote account from a while back. I was a premium subscriber for about a year until I left for OneNote). Next, I used the Evernote OneNote Import feature to move notebooks from OneNote into Evernote. I then exported those notes into a folder in the .ENEX format. I imported those notes into Joplin, where I exported them into my Vault in a Markdown format. I have had to do some cleaning up, of course, but this has been way better than trying to copy and paste nearly 750+ notes. As many others have said, I have also used this opportunity to purge unnecessary notes and organize things again. I also know I am never using any note-taking service again that uses a proprietary format!
Thanks for the help!
Check out the discussion here as well. Some people had the same problem as you and it was solved by using the correct onenote version and PowerShell in admin mode. Unable to find type [Microsoft.Office.InterOp.OneNote.HierarchyScope]. · Issue #5 · nixsee/ConvertOneNote2MarkDown · GitHub
Thank you! That was the very thing I was looking for, and for some reason, I didnt stumble across that in my searches. However, I think going through and using Evernote Legacy has solved my issue for now.
Thanks again!
I am getting a message for every note:
[WARNING] Deprecated: --atx-headers. Use --markdown-headings=atx instead.
Seems a powershell command has been deprecated and replaced by another command.
Although it is generating .md files after an hour of trying in spite of the warning message.
Sorry, I don’t have time to investigate. Try going into the code (using whichever text editor) and changing any mention of
edit: I did this in the github code, but didn’t create a new release as I have no idea if it works/fixes the problem
I’m using OneNote on Windows 10 with a XP-Pen , digital
drawing tablet. it’s great for handwriting and taking notes.
Hi Mada34,
Sorry, it’s been 30 days since your post. I’ve been offline for a while so you may have found a way to convert your HTML files.
The core of the HTML to markdown conversion in most programs is Pandoc.
I’ve never thought of doing a conversion like this, so thanks for the question.
This solution is just a first quick approach that worked on a couple of test HTML files I pulled from my Synology project. Hopefully, it works for everybody else
Install Pandoc from
Then unzip the attached bash file and put it in the folder with your HTML files. (700 Bytes)
At the command line change to the folder with the bash file in it and type
chmod 700
This makes sure the file is executable
now at the command line type
NOTE this should work recursively so any subfolders of the folder it is in should also get converted. If you have many folders with HTML notes in just put the file one folder lower and it will convert all those folders.
The original HTML files will still be there but there will be a new .md version of each one.
Please note that Pandoc has some limitations for example it does not convert checklists they will appear just as plain text. Any HTML that uses odd Microsoft formatting or class names may not appear either. Most of the work in the Synology HTML data is cleaning the HTML and recreating HTML without things Pandoc can not understand. This is where most programs making conversions struggle as you have to fix each issue before conversion, or manually convert it to markdown and add it back in after conversion (like I have to do with checklists).
If you find there are large parts not converted you may find another program somewhere, but I’ll add the HTML to md option to my current project for version 1 (link to project board) (which could be 3 or more weeks away it’s 90% done but not documented yet, and adding in the HTML will take a couple of days.
Anybody who finds some HTML that has come from OneNote that is not converted can share it with me and I’ll look at it to see if I can look into ways of cleaning/fixing it for version 2…
Version 2 would support getting the data out of OneNote as well but that is a long ways off with other things to do in between, but if anybody wants to collaborate on writing YANOM they can take a look at git hub.
Anybody reading this far might want to look at the YANOM project wiki page for a non-geek explanation of note conversions and how closed file systems like OneNote are so horrible compared to obsidian and why the YANOM project exists.
Good luck
Thanks for your help here Kevin. It is, however, disappointing to see how utterly disappointed you are with the various “Note-O-Matics” that you have tried, which I have to assume includes mine. I am perplexed by your frustration at people not wanting you to help improve their open-source NOMs - by definition, open-source means that you can do so without permisssion.
Yet, I don’t see any tools shared at your YANOM page, just a… screed… against NOMs. Are you in the process of developing something? If so, feel free to use any code from my OneNote script - I’m not a developer by any means and hacked around to augment the original tool (made by someone who does, indeed, seem to know what they’re doing). It seems to work well for my and various other people’s purposes, but could surely be made more efficient/robust - comments and/or code contributions are quite welcomed.
Can I ask why you’re sharing this video here? None of the 4 methods shared in the video have anything to do with the tool that this thread is for. Moreover, the 1st method is an excruciatingly slow and vastly inferior version of this tool, as are the other methods as well.
I apologize, I didn’t read the rules of this forum. Thought this thread was a compilation of ways to import from OneNote. Under “Import data” in the “Import from OneNote” section of the Obsidian Help, there is a link to this forum thread - that’s why I wrote this post.
Can I leave a link to another thread, or should I delete the post entirely?
When I run the ConvertOneNote2MarkDown-v2.ps1 script I just have the notepad with your script inside open for editing instead of executing. Would you please tell me, what could be the problem? Thank you!
Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound harsh. I know you were just trying to be helpful. I see no problem with leaving the link to the other thread.
To use the tool, you will need to open PowerShell, navigate to where you have the script saved, and then execute it from there. If you follow the instructions in the Github page, it should be able to guide you through the process for using this tool. If you have any problems with it, please describe the issue here or there and I will try to clarify what needs to be done.