As a discussion about hidden folder on IOS appear regularly on the discord, I think it will be good to create a forum discussion about it.
I have two solutions in mind to work with hidden folder to access to my .obsidian.
Using Textastic, that is a wonderful app created by the same guy of Working Copy. Not free, but work totally with many apps, as it’s an edit text file. Here, you can bookmark a folder and access all file in it, so you can edit a note but also your .obsidian file. I use it a lot to edit my css snippet on my ipad, for example.
Using a-shell : A completely free app, that get you access to a real terminal on your ipad/iphone. Bonus : it’s totally open source, and you can do a very lot of things with it : run python script, install pip script…
Using Taio, a free markdown editor that allows to open hidden folder. (See comments here)
Ok so you can also do the same thing with a-shell app. After using pickFolder the Files app selector pops up (see screenshot). Then use jump to cd to the bookmark you created from the Files pop up. It will be the name of the folder (your vault) so you use “jump iPhone” in my example because my vault is named iPhone. Then the rest you can follow my replies message above to access the hidden .obsidian and plugin folders.
Ok here is another method to access hidden .obsidian and plugin folders / directories in your vault on iPhone and iPad using iSH Shell app. It is very lightweight at only 6mb in size compared to the other options I mentioned in Discord (LibTerm and a-shell)!! Thanks again @Mara-Li for the ideas and help!
Here is what I got to work:
install iSH Shell iOS app (see screenshot)
mount your obsidian vault folder by running: mount -t ios . /mnt (this will open up Files app to select your folder)
select local On My Phone > Obsidian > “Your Vault Name” … in my example my vault name is iPhone (see screenshot)
Change to the directory with cd /mnt which will take you to the root folder of your vault (that you just selected in step 3)
use ls -a to see hidden directories which will show you the .obsidian folder (see screenshot)
now cd to the .obsidian folder and you will see your plugins folder which you can cd to as well! (See screenshot)
A much easier way is to use ES File Explorer (not sure about other file browsers). Add your vault to the app. Search for “.obsidian” and it will appear in search results. ES has an integrated text editor and can do all sort of file copy/move things!
Using Textastic , that is a wonderful app created by the same guy of Working Copy. Not free, but work totally with many apps, as it’s an edit text file. Here, you can bookmark a folder and access all file in it, so you can edit a note but also your .obsidian file.
I got Textastic on iPad but I have been unable to access any files in my Obsidian vault Vault Admin folder. I cannot see any way to “bookmark a folder”. Please can someone explain to me in simple language (I am not an accomplished coder) how I can access the folders and files in the Vault Admin folder on iPad. I would greatly appreciate any assistance on this.
In the left sidebar of Textastic, tap “Add External Folder…”, browse to your vault, and select it. Once you’ve done that, your vault folder will be listed in the sidebar. Tap it, and you’ll see the files and folders in it, including hidden ones.
That was enabled but there’s still no trash folder in my obsidian folder when I press browse iCloud. Perhaps it doesn’t work with iCloud? I have the trash folder enabled in obsidian settings.