List or repository of downloadable vaults?

I’m grately appreciating the vaults:

  1. LINKING YOUR THINKING by @nickmilo
  2. PARA Starter Kit by @cotemaxime

so the question that pops up in my mind is: are there other vaults out there that I can donwload an learn from (I mean of any kind of topic) ?

Does a list or a repository of them exist (maybe categorized by topic) ?

Thanks in advance


Yes, that would be great to have some list somewhere!

I know of: “Example Workflows in Obsidian” by @mediapathic

/Henrik :slight_smile:


I would also add my kit on using the Bible in Obsidian that can be downloaded and learnt from. :slight_smile:


Tbh I prefer published ones as it is not very easy to deal with more than one open vault, not talking about problem of updating them. But a complete list of them can certainly be helpful

Also should add this to the list:

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Is there a downloadable GTD vault?

I’ve installed the Obsidian TODO Plugin by Lars Lockefeer, but no idea how to use it and would love to see an example.

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Yes! Shakespeare in Obsidian is a downloadable vault. More info:


Just popping in to say thank you for this. My inner book geek squealed at this. I am now armed with the above Bible kit and all of Shakespeare; I feel so linguistically powerful in my research now. “Though she is little, she is fierce.”

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@carlaclara Glad you find it interesting and useful! :smile:

I just submitted an update to the vault with some improvements and fixes. Enjoy!

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